From OJI sources, a call is made to proxyEnv->Get<PrimitiveType>ArrayElements(...)
(modules/oji/src/ProxyJNI.cpp file of Mozilla tree)
#define IMPLEMENT_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(methodName, type) static type* JNICALL methodName(JNIEnv *env, type##Array array, jboolean *isCopy) { type* outElements = NULL; \ <- note that here it's set to NULL
nsISecureEnv* secureEnv = GetSecureEnv(env); nsresult result; result = secureEnv->GetArrayElements(type##_type, array, isCopy, &outElements); \ <- see the code below: outElements never
return outElements; <- here we always return NULL to user
IMPLEMENT_GET_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(GetBooleanArrayElements, jboolean)
The implementation of secureEnv->GetArrayElements(...)
method is the following (src/motif/navug5/CSecureJNIEnv.cpp file in OJI Plugin tree):
NS_IMETHODIMP CSecureJNIEnv::GetArrayElements(/*[in]*/ jni_type element_type,
/*[in]*/ jarray array,
/*[in]*/ jboolean *isCopy,
/*[out]*/ void* result) <- &outElements comes here as void* though better to make it
void** but it doesn't really matter
fprintf(stderr, "CSecureJNI::GetArrayElements is called !\n");
if (m_env == NULL || result == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "CSecureJNI::GetArrayElements: switch by type ...\n");
switch (element_type)
case jboolean_type: {
result = (void*) m_env->GetBooleanArrayElements((jbooleanArray)array, isCopy); <- but in this line we actually affect
local "result" variable only and doesn't affect outElements anyhow
The most simple way to fix this bug is to make the following change in the code:
*(void**)result = (void*) m_env->GetBooleanArrayElements((jbooleanArray)array, isCopy);
I tried it out - it works OK.