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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4394119

Print: Images get printed as black boxes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 1.3.0
    • client-libs
    • 2d
    • x86
    • windows_98

      Name: md23716 Date: 12/01/2000

      Printing on Windows 2000 with java 2D prints black rectangles instead
      of the expected images.

      When I try to print images from many of the print test cases, instead of getting
      a printed image on paper, I get a Black rectangle were the image should be.
      This seems to be happening with *.gif or *.jpg images that java tries to print.
      The test cases affected are:
      Book001V, PageFormat003V, PrinterJob015V, PrintingTest010V, PrintingTest011V,

      I tried this test case on a Windows 2000 32 bit system,
      with an EPSON Stylus 600 printer,
      using Sun's 32 bit JDK 1.3. I also connected remotely to this same
      printer from a Windows 2000 64 bit box. Images were printed as
      black boxes.

      The Printer Used for this test case was an Epson Stylus 600 Color Printer.

      I believe that this might be a problem with the Printer drivers
      for Windows 2000. I tried this testcase on an IBM 4019 Black and White
      Laser Printer, and the image was printed OK, in Black and White.

      Test cases available on request.


            prr Philip Race
            mdevereuorcl Michelle Devereux (Inactive)
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