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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4395196

Date and Time format for ko_KR locale is incorrect


    • rc
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      Name: boT120536 Date: 12/05/2000

      java version "1.2.2"
      Classic VM (build 1.2.2-L, green threads, nojit)

      I believe this is version-independent and is present in even
      the newest version of JAVA.

      1. Run the program below.
      2. The program

      import java.io.*;
      import java.text.*;
      import java.util.*;

      public class DateFormat2
              public static void main(String[] arg)

                      String encoding = "EUCKR";
                      Locale loc = new Locale("ko","KR");
                      if ( arg.length == 3 ) {
                              loc = new Locale(arg[0],arg[1]);
                              encoding = arg[2];
                      else if (arg.length == 2) {
                              loc = new Locale(arg[0],"");
                              encoding = arg[1];
                      else if (arg.length == 1) {
                              loc = new Locale(arg[0],"");

                              OutputStreamWriter out1 = new OutputStreamWriter
                               (System.out, encoding );
                              PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(out1);
                              Date now = new Date();

                              DateFormat df =
                              String s = df.format(now);

                              df =
                              s = df.format(now);

                              df =
                              s = df.format(now);

                              df =
                              s = df.format(now);

                              df =
                              s = df.format(now);

                      catch (IOException e)
                      { System.out.println("Error" + e); }


      3. The result from the above program

       a. the result in JAVA \uxxx notation
      2000-11-13 \uc624\ud6c4 8:26:49
      2000\ub144 11\uc6d4 13\uc77c \uc6d4\uc694\uc77c 08\uc2dc26\ubd8449\ucd08 \uc624\ud6c4 GMT-05:00
      2000\ub144 11\uc6d4 13\uc77c \uc6d4 08\uc2dc26\ubd8449\ucd08 \uc624\ud6c4
      2000-11-13 08\uc2dc26\ubd8449\ucd08 \uc624\ud6c4 GMT-05:00
      00-11-13 \uc624\ud6c4 8:26

       b. the result is in EUC-KR encoding

      2000-11-13 ???? 8:26:49
      2000?? 11?? 13?? ?????? 08??26??49?? ???? GMT-05:00
      2000?? 11?? 13?? ?? 08??26??49?? ????
      2000-11-13 08??26??49?? ???? GMT-05:00
      00-11-13 ???? 8:26

      4. What's wrong with the above?

        In what follows, 'M' and 'd' denote month and day of the month
      in decimal numbers WITHOUT leading '0'.

      a. The DEFAULT,MEDIUM and SHORT format for Date should be

            YYYY. M. d
            YYYY. M. d
            YY. M. d

         instead of


         We do NOT use ISO 8601 style date format. Instead we delimete
         year,month and day with '. ' (period and space)

         We do NOT zero-fill if month or day is a single digit number.

      b. The FULL and LONG format for Time should be

           am_pm h'\uC2DC' m'\uBD84' s'\uCD08' timezone
           am_pm h'\uC2DC' m'\uBD84' s'\uCD08'

         instead of

           hh'\uC2DC'mm'\uBD84'ss'\uCD08' am_pm timezone
           hh'\uC2DC'mm'\uBD84'ss'\uCD08' am_pm

          Please, note that there should be SPACE(\u0020) after
          '\uC2DC' and '\uBD84'.

          am_pm should come before TIME NOT after TIME.

          We do NOT zero-fill if hour,minute, or second is a single digit number.

      c. In the LONG date format, ab_wk_day had better be enclosed with
         '(' and ')'. That is, it's better to have

            yyyy'\uB144' M`\uC6D4` d`\uC77C' (ab_wk_day)


            yyyy'\uB144' M`\uC6D4` d`\uC77C' ab_wk_day

      5. Expected result after the correction
        a. in JAVA \uxxxx notation

      2000. 11. 13 \uc624\ud6c4 8:26:49
      2000\ub144 11\uc6d4 13\uc77c \uc6d4\uc694\uc77c \uc624\ud6c4 8\uc2dc 26\ubd84 49\ucd08 GMT-05:00
      2000\ub144 11\uc6d4 13\uc77c (\uc6d4) \uc624\ud6c4 08\uc2dc26\ubd8449\ucd08
      2000. 11. 13 \uc624\ud6c4 8\uc2dc 26\ubd84 49\ucd08 GMT-05:00
      00. 11. 13 \uc624\ud6c4 8:26

        b. in EUC-KR encoding
      2000. 11. 13 ???? 8:26:49
      2000?? 11?? 13?? ?????? ???? 8?? 26?? 49?? GMT-05:00
      2000?? 11?? 13?? (??) ???? 08\uc2dc26\ubd8449??
      2000. 11. 13 ???? 8?? 26?? 49?? GMT-05:00
      00. 11. 13 ???? 8:26
      (Review ID: 112207)

            mfang Michael Fang (Inactive)
            bonealsunw Bret O'neal (Inactive)
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