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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4400409

popup() menu not disposed even when window not active



    • Fix Understood
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6


      If you have a popup menu active in any java component and before you
      click on any menuitem of the popup menu, if you click on any other
      window ( java component or non java component [ could be even window
      component from any application ] ) you could see the popup menu remains
      active and not disposed on the original window. Not only is the popup
      menu active on the window which is no longer the current window
      receiving inputs , the popup menu responds to mouse events [ you can
      select and click on any menu item on the popup menu] ).

      This problem can be easily reproduced using standard java examples like
      SwingSet or Stylepad demos.

      Steps to reproduce the problem:

      1. Bring up a terminal window
      2. Bring up SwingSet demo application.
      3. Make sure neither SwingSet demo application nor the terminal window
      obscure each other completely.
          ( This is so that you can click select the terminal window once you
      have a popup menu active in SwingSet demo )
      3. Click on 'The Swing Team' menu item and let the menuitems under the
      'The Swing Team' menu pop up.
      4. While the popup menu remains active click on the terminal window and
      make it the active window.
      5. At this instance, you can see that the popup menu continues to remain
      active in SwingSet demo application
          eventhough it is no longer the current active window
      6. Surprisingly, the popup menu which is active in SwingSet demo
      responds to mouse movements and you can
          click and invoke any menuitem too.

      Desired and expected behaviour :

      The expected behaviour is, when your window is no longer the active
      current window ( receiving input events ) any active popup menu in your
      window should be disposed of and should not receive any mouse events.


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              vbaranovsunw Vyacheslav Baranov (Inactive)
              rramchansunw Rajesh Ramchandani (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue

