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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4407042

SimpleDateFormat clone() decendents corrupt each other


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: P3 P3
    • 1.4.0
    • 1.1.7, 1.2.2, 1.3.0
    • core-libs
    • beta
    • generic, x86
    • generic, windows_nt

      Name: boT120536 Date: 01/22/2001

      java version "1.2.2"
      Classic VM (build JDK-1.2.2-W, native threads, symcjit)

      I have a static instance of SimpleDateFormat, and I have 2 threads, each
      using private clones of this instance. One thread uses the parse() method to
      convert a String to a Date, the other uses the format method to convert a Date
      to a String. Even though each thread has a clone of the SimpleDateFormat
      instance, the results of the parse and/or format are corrupted after a few
      seconds due to apparent concurrent conflicts. The following code demonstrates
      the problem:

      import java.io.*;
      import java.text.*;
      import java.util.*;

      public class SDFClone {

          static boolean stopped_ = false;
          static final String TIME_STRING = "2000/11/18 00:01:00";
          static final String TIME_STRING_FULL = "11/18/2000 00:01:00 PST";
          static final long UTC_LONG = 974534460000L;
          static SimpleDateFormat sdf_ = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

          public SDFClone(String[] args) {
              stopped_ = false;
              DateParseThread d1 = new DateParseThread();
              DateFormatThread d2 = new DateFormatThread();
              try { Thread.sleep(100000); } catch (Exception e) {}
              stopped_ = true;

          class DateParseThread extends Thread {
              public void run () {
                  SimpleDateFormat sdf = (SimpleDateFormat)SDFClone.sdf_.clone();
                  try {
                      int i = 0;
                      while (! SDFClone.stopped_) {
                          Date date =sdf.parse(SDFClone.TIME_STRING);
                          long t = date.getTime();
                          if (t != SDFClone.UTC_LONG ) {
                              throw new ParseException("Error: " + i + " (" +sdf.format(date) + ") " + t + " != " + SDFClone.UTC_LONG, 0);
                  } catch (Exception e) {
          class DateFormatThread extends Thread {
              public void run () {
                  SimpleDateFormat sdf = (SimpleDateFormat)SDFClone.sdf_.clone();
                  int i = 0;
                  while (! SDFClone.stopped_) {
                      String s = sdf.format(new Date(974534460000L));
                      if (!s.equals(SDFClone.TIME_STRING)) {
                          System.err.println("Date Error: " + i + " " + s + " != " +SDFClone.TIME_STRING_FULL);

          public static void main (String[] args) {
              new SDFClone(args);

      This defect caused corruption in parsed input dates in an accounting product.
      The result was that incorrect resource usage was attributed to users - very bad
      for an accounting product!!!
      (Review ID: 115583)

            okutsu Masayoshi Okutsu
            bonealsunw Bret O'neal (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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