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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4407269

JCK13a :api/java_util/PropertyPermission/serial,Merlin-b48,sol-sparc,X86


      The following tests failed with java_util, using the jdk1.4 b48 on solaris 7/sparc, 2.6/intel.

      Bug description

      Failing Test:
      api/java_util/PropertyPermission/serial/index.html#Input: PropertyPermission InputTests tests

      JCK :

      Test source location:

      Solaris 7 - sparc
      Solaris 2.6 - intel

      JDK, switches Info:
      java version "1.4.0-beta"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-beta-b48)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4beta-B48, mixed mode)

      jtr file location:

      How to reproduce:
      run the attached script:

      Test output:
      java.lang.NullPointerException: name can't be null
              at java.security.BasicPermission.init(BasicPermission.java:78)
              at java.security.BasicPermission.readObject(BasicPermission.java:254)
              at sun.misc.Unsafe.invokeSpecial(Native Method)
              at sun.misc.ClassReflector.invokeSpecial(ClassReflector.java:376)
              at $ClassReflector2.readObject(Unknown Source)
              at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1585)
              at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1508)
              at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1161)
              at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:283)
              at javasoft.sqe.serial.util.Convert.streamObjectToObject(Convert.java:60)
              at javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.util.PropertyPermission.serial.InputTests.serial2002(InputTests.java:106)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.MultiTest.invokeTestCase(MultiTest.java:409)
              at javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.MultiTest.run(MultiTest.java:205)
              at javasoft.sqe.javatest.lib.MultiTest.run(MultiTest.java:137)
              at javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.util.PropertyPermission.serial.InputTests.main(InputTests.java:42)
      serial2002: Failed. Test case throws exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: name can't be null
      Checking for JDK Version : 1.2
      Creating StreamObject from spec
      Setting the value of serial fields
      Converting the StreamObject to Object
      STATUS:Failed.tests: 1; failed: 1; first test case failure: serial2002

      Specific Machine Info:
      Hostname: jtg-s117
      Hostid: 808fe83f
      Release: 5.7
      Kernel architecture: sun4u
      Application architecture: sparc
      Hardware provider: Sun_Microsystems
      Domain: javasoft.eng.sun.com
      Kernel version: SunOS 5.7 Generic 106541-12 May 2000
      Status of processor 0 as of: 01/22/01 17:04:31
        Processor has been on-line since 01/17/01 13:34:53.
        The sparcv9 processor operates at 296 MHz,
              and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.
      Status of processor 2 as of: 01/22/01 17:04:31
        Processor has been on-line since 01/17/01 13:34:54.
        The sparcv9 processor operates at 296 MHz,
              and has a sparcv9 floating point processor.
                          Solaris 7 11/99 s998s_u4SunServer_10 SPARC
                 Copyright 1999 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
                                  Assembled 15 October 1999

      Hostname: jtg-i104
      Hostid: 1a2c637f
      Release: 5.6
      Kernel architecture: i86pc
      Application architecture: i386
      Hardware provider:
      Domain: javasoft.eng.sun.com
      Kernel version: SunOS 5.6 Generic 105182-23 July 2000
      Status of processor 0 as of: 01/22/01 17:06:12
        Processor has been on-line since 01/17/01 13:36:28.
        The i386 processor operates at 234 MHz,
              and has an i387 compatible floating point processor.
      Status of processor 1 as of: 01/22/01 17:06:12
        Processor has been on-line since 01/17/01 13:36:28.
        The i386 processor operates at 234 MHz,
              and has an i387 compatible floating point processor.
                                  Solaris 2.6 s297_37c INTEL
                 Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
                            Manufactured in the USA 16 July 1997

      Additional JCK related info:
      URL to find JCK test owners: http://javaweb.eng/jck/usr/owners.jto

      sureshchandar.subramaniam@Eng 2001-01-23

            mwarressunw Michael Warres (Inactive)
            ssubramasunw Suresh Subramaniam (Inactive)
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