Jaws is accepting any name for log file
viz . name like asdfd#$$$$&&***(()) are also accepted by jaws
log file names should stay within restricted domain of alphannumeric names only
Updating the bug with congiguration Info
JRE1.4.0-beta build 54
JaWS1.0.1-ea-build 07
Solaris Sparc 8 , 64 bit
viney.verma@India 2001-03-14
viz . name like asdfd#$$$$&&***(()) are also accepted by jaws
log file names should stay within restricted domain of alphannumeric names only
Updating the bug with congiguration Info
JRE1.4.0-beta build 54
JaWS1.0.1-ea-build 07
Solaris Sparc 8 , 64 bit
viney.verma@India 2001-03-14