TCP test 'HalfWriteIgnored' of sqe test suite failed in full look when server on Win 2000/WinNT/Win98 and client on Solaris 8/Sol8 x86
In this test client i.e.
'HalfWriteIgnored' writes some string to TcpServer and tries to listen from
server. But server just writes a NULL byte and closes output stream. When server
writes a NULL byte on client side while reading from input stream its throwing
IOException with 'Broken pipe' in message.
How to reproduce it:
1. Get tests from /net/sqesvr/export/vsn/NET/merlin_jdk_net_promoted
2. Set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.4 and STABLE_JAVA_HOME to jdk1.3
3. Execute server on Win NT/Win 2000 machine with full look
/tests/tcp/run_tcp_server -full
4. Execute atleast 4 clients on Sol 8/Sol8 x86 machines
/tests/tcp/run_tcp_client -full -1 serverName
5. check the results logs created in the same folder where 'tests' is there.
Other Information:
I got the following messages:
VERBOSE: byte write threw 'Broken pipe' IO exception.
VERBOSE: loop #39: connecting to duotronic:25000
DEBUG: Sending first line to server.
DEBUG: Waiting for server NUL byte.
ERROR: Cannot read server NUL byte.
ERROR: Interrupted system call
pratul.wadher@Eng 2001-03-30
Ladybird build 20
TCP test 'HalfWriteIgnored' of sqe test suite failed in full look when server on Win WinNT and clients on Solaris 8 /Sol2.6 x86How to reproduce it:
1. Get tests from /net/sqesvr/export/vsn/NET/ladybird_jdk_net
2. Set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.3.1 (ladybird build 20 ) and STABLE_JAVA_HOME to jdk1.3
3. Execute server on Win NT machine with full look
/tests/tcp/sh run_tcp_server -full
4. Execute atleast 4 clients on Sol 8/Sol2.6 x86 machine
/tests/tcp/run_tcp_client -full -1 serverName
5. check the results logs created in the same folder under 'tests' .
The following result was displayed:
ERROR: Cannot read server NUL byte.
ERROR: Interrupted system call
pratul.wadher@Eng 2001-04-02
I have modified the run_tcp_client to include only the failed test and have attached the said file in the report. It is called run_tcp_bug. So use this to run this particular test.
In this test client i.e.
'HalfWriteIgnored' writes some string to TcpServer and tries to listen from
server. But server just writes a NULL byte and closes output stream. When server
writes a NULL byte on client side while reading from input stream its throwing
IOException with 'Broken pipe' in message.
How to reproduce it:
1. Get tests from /net/sqesvr/export/vsn/NET/merlin_jdk_net_promoted
2. Set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.4 and STABLE_JAVA_HOME to jdk1.3
3. Execute server on Win NT/Win 2000 machine with full look
/tests/tcp/run_tcp_server -full
4. Execute atleast 4 clients on Sol 8/Sol8 x86 machines
/tests/tcp/run_tcp_client -full -1 serverName
5. check the results logs created in the same folder where 'tests' is there.
Other Information:
I got the following messages:
VERBOSE: byte write threw 'Broken pipe' IO exception.
VERBOSE: loop #39: connecting to duotronic:25000
DEBUG: Sending first line to server.
DEBUG: Waiting for server NUL byte.
ERROR: Cannot read server NUL byte.
ERROR: Interrupted system call
pratul.wadher@Eng 2001-03-30
Ladybird build 20
TCP test 'HalfWriteIgnored' of sqe test suite failed in full look when server on Win WinNT and clients on Solaris 8 /Sol2.6 x86How to reproduce it:
1. Get tests from /net/sqesvr/export/vsn/NET/ladybird_jdk_net
2. Set JAVA_HOME to jdk1.3.1 (ladybird build 20 ) and STABLE_JAVA_HOME to jdk1.3
3. Execute server on Win NT machine with full look
/tests/tcp/sh run_tcp_server -full
4. Execute atleast 4 clients on Sol 8/Sol2.6 x86 machine
/tests/tcp/run_tcp_client -full -1 serverName
5. check the results logs created in the same folder under 'tests' .
The following result was displayed:
ERROR: Cannot read server NUL byte.
ERROR: Interrupted system call
pratul.wadher@Eng 2001-04-02
I have modified the run_tcp_client to include only the failed test and have attached the said file in the report. It is called run_tcp_bug. So use this to run this particular test.
- duplicates
JDK-4178050 hpi needs to handle EINTR (Socket reads and writes randomly throw InterruptedIOE
- Closed