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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4425309

JTextField is not always accessible


    • generic, sparc
    • solaris, solaris_2.6

      If application has a JTextField, then when I start such application,
      if mouse happens to point at the spot where the window of the application
      will show up, then all JTextField(s) of this application will be
      unavalable (can not get focus when clicking at JTextField) until I
      point away from this application's window and click anywhere else on
      the screen. After that I can go back to my application, make it active
      (by either clicking on it, or pointing - depending on the Widnow
      manager style I have selected - on Solaris) point and click at JTextField
      and it will become active.
      If at the moment when I start my application the mouse is not pointing
      at the spot where my application will show up, then when I make my
      application's window active, the JTextField will be able to get focus.

            dmikhalksunw Denis Mikhalkin (Inactive)
            mafishersunw Margarita Fisher (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
