Machine jtgb4u2b1
ATG failed with Merlin b55 -server -Xcomp
Error message:
An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0x180
NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
reason and solutions.
Dynamic libraries:
0x10000 /usr/j2se/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java
0xff360000 /usr/lib/
0xff3a0000 /usr/lib/
0xff280000 /usr/lib/
0xff270000 /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra-60/lib/
0xfe000000 /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/server/
0xff220000 /usr/lib/
0xff200000 /usr/lib/
0xff100000 /usr/lib/
0xff1c0000 /usr/lib/
0xff100000 /usr/lib/
0xff1c0000 /usr/lib/
0xff250000 /usr/lib/
0xff0e0000 /usr/lib/
0xff0c0000 /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/native_threads/
0xff080000 /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/
0xff040000 /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/
0xff020000 /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/
0xfa6b0000 /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/
0xfa5e0000 /usr/lib/
0xfa5b0000 /usr/lib/
Local Time = Thu Mar 15 21:11:07 2001
Elapsed Time = 23
# The exception above was detected in native code outside the VM
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (1.4beta-B55 compiled mode)
How to reproduce the bug:
1. telnet jtgb4u2b1
2. /bs/runatg.ksh -server -Xcomp
3. cd /bt/atg* check run.atg.out. There are lots of hs*log files containing
the above error message.
june.zhong@eng 2001-03-16
- duplicates
JDK-4425362 ATG failed immediately with Merlin B54 -server on RedHat 6.2
- Closed