1. About Dilaog Box
- Testing on Windows and machine having resolution 1204x768 , true color 24 bits reveals that bottom of the dialog box get hidden behind task bar
Texr area should be smaller and about dilaog box be positioned in centre
2. Offline
- While testing offline it is observed that when user launched a remote app nothing happens (as expected ) ,, A proper error message should be thrown to the user saying you are offline and trying to run an app which requires jaws to be online or something like that
- Testing on Windows and machine having resolution 1204x768 , true color 24 bits reveals that bottom of the dialog box get hidden behind task bar
Texr area should be smaller and about dilaog box be positioned in centre
2. Offline
- While testing offline it is observed that when user launched a remote app nothing happens (as expected ) ,, A proper error message should be thrown to the user saying you are offline and trying to run an app which requires jaws to be online or something like that