Name: md23716 Date: 03/28/2001
The current spec for AttachCurrentThread says:
jint AttachCurrentThread(JavaVM *vm, JNIEnv **p_env,
void *thr_args);
Attaches the current thread to a Java VM. Returns a JNI interface pointer
in the JNIEnv argument.
Trying to attach a thread that is already attached is a no-op.
A native thread cannot be attached simultaneously to two Java VMs.
When a thread is attached to the VM, the context class loader is the
bootstrap loader.
I have had clarification from Sun that the bootstrap classloader is
represented by null. This information should be added to the
The current spec for AttachCurrentThread says:
jint AttachCurrentThread(JavaVM *vm, JNIEnv **p_env,
void *thr_args);
Attaches the current thread to a Java VM. Returns a JNI interface pointer
in the JNIEnv argument.
Trying to attach a thread that is already attached is a no-op.
A native thread cannot be attached simultaneously to two Java VMs.
When a thread is attached to the VM, the context class loader is the
bootstrap loader.
I have had clarification from Sun that the bootstrap classloader is
represented by null. This information should be added to the