Another very minor yet related issue that is perhaps not worth its own bugid: if the sun.misc.Service-located provider class does is not actually assignable to the service type, then it looks like a ClassCastException will be thrown in SelectorProvider.loadProviderAsService-- but the spec quoted in the Description of this bug report says "if this process fails then an unspecified error is thrown", which (from JLS2e 11.2.1) a reader might reasonably interpret that to mean <code>Error</code>. [Perhaps this would be best addressed in sun.misc.Service itself, which could verify that a provider is assignable to the service type before returning it (or throw ServiceConfigurationError).]
peter.c.jones@east 2001-03-29
peter.c.jones@east 2001-03-29
- relates to
JDK-4640520 java.util.Service
- Resolved