Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Name: krC82822 Date: 05/11/2001
orig synopsis: "No sorting in the java api documentation"
java version "1.3.0_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0_02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0_02, mixed mode)
The Field Detail and Metod Detail parts of the class docs isn't sorted as the Summaries are which makes it more difficult to read the docs.
from the docs for java.sql.Array:
Method Summary
?Object getArray() ...
?Object getArray(long?index, int?count) ...
?Object getArray(long?index, int?count, Map?map) ...
?Object getArray(Map?map) ...
?int getBaseType() ...
Method Detail
getBaseTypeName public String getBaseTypeName() throws SQLException ...
getBaseType public int getBaseType() throws SQLException ...
11 May 2001, eval1127@eng -- ResultSet is another example:
Granted, for a single method (or the first method to be reviewed),
a user can jump directly to the method description from its
corresponding entry in the class summary, via the hyperlink.
BUT, to go from there to another method description, the user must either
a) scroll all the way back up to the summary section (to find another hyperlink),
b) attempt to find the method description "directly", by scrolling
an indeterminate amount (in a potentially incorrect direction)
relative to the current method's description
(Review ID: 124197)
11 May 2001, eval1127@eng -- item "a)" noted above is inccorect.
The user can use the "Back" button/function in the browser to jump
directly back to the Summary section. From there, the hyperlink for
another method can be used to directly jump to the next method's description.