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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4457924

Rendered text outline was unclear.


    • 2d
    • x86
    • windows_nt

      Test/font-render/2d/one/TextLayoutRenderTest[1,5,10].java failed with jdk1.4 b64 on Windows and Solaris in de locale. Tested on win98SE, winNT4, solaris sparc 2.6 in German locale.

      German fonts dislayed in Plain 10, Italic 10, Plain 12, and Italic 12 were unclear. Couldn't read them. Espceially on TextLayoutRenderTest10.java, each font is hard to be recognized.

      The results were the same with jdk1.3 and jdk1.3.1

      -Steps to reproduce.

      1. Get GlobalSuite file gs1.3-b01.tar from:


      2. untar the file.
      3. invoke a manual test with a command:
      %sh run_gs.sh quick-manual on German locale.
      4. specify the jdk1.4

      Or invoke the test using jtreg

      I attached a bitmap file in a folder

      keiko.nakayama@Eng 2001-05-11

            avu Alexey Ushakov
            knakayamsunw Keiko Nakayama (Inactive)
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