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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4473954

Class.newInscance can't handle some specific Japanese named classes or pack


      ******Testing enviroment***************************************************
      Merlin build: Merlin beta-refresh b69
      OS : Solaris8 Sparc/X86 ja locale,
                    WindowsME, Win2K

      Class.newInscance can't handle some specific classes or packages for which name some specific characters are used, therefore NoClassDefFoundError occurs for the classes.

      To reproduce,

      1. Extract an attached file newInstance_Test.tar.
         The included files are listed in "newInstance_Test_list.txt" (attached).

         *Some java files and a directory named in Japanese are included in it.
         The directory has some Japanese classes and java files(SJIS encoding) for the Japanese classes.

      2. Compile the java files below;
         PackageTest.java (EUC encoding)
         URLClassLoaderTest.java (EUC encoding)
      3. Excute PackageTest ---- java PackageTest
      You'll see NoClassDefFoundError occurs.

      I attached the Exception log for "PackageTest_log.txt" which is included in newInstance_Test.tar because Japanese character can not be displayed properly here.
      Please refer the file to see the Exception.

      4. Excute URLClassLoaderTest ----
      java URLClassLoaderTest http://javasoft.japan.sun.com/i18n-test/URLClassLoaderTest_data/

      You'll see NoClassDefFoundError for the same character as above occurs here also.
      I attached the Exception log for "URLClassLoaderTest_log.txt" which is included in newInstance_Test.tar
      Please refer the file to see the problem.

      It seems that newInstance can't recognaize the character properly and recognize as other Japanese character.

      ***I attached "memo.txt" in which I described how the characrter are recognized incorrectly (EUCJP encoding).***

      This is not reproducible with the previous build, b68.

            iris Iris Clark
            mmtokunasunw Mtokunaga Mtokunaga (Inactive)
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