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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4481726

javac is not able to import all package



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Not an Issue
    • P2
    • None
    • 1.4.0
    • tools
    • sparc
    • solaris_8


      if you correct that error then also it persist
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 25 % cat test1.java
      import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
      import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;

      class test1
      public static void main(String[] args){
      Throwable t = new ThrowableThrowableThrowable("testthrow");
      LoginException l1 = new LoginException(t);

      }cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 26 % javac test1.java
      test1.java:7: cannot resolve symbol
      symbol : class ThrowableThrowableThrowable
      location: class test1
      Throwable t = new ThrowableThrowableThrowable("testthrow");
      test1.java:8: cannot resolve symbol
      symbol : constructor LoginException (java.lang.Throwable)
      location: class javax.security.auth.login.LoginException
      LoginException l1 = new LoginException(t);
      2 errors
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 27 %

      javac is not able to import all pkg
      javap showing is proving that
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 2 % java -version
      java version "1.4.0-beta3"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-beta3)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-beta3, mixed mode)
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 3 % javap javax.security.auth.login.LoginException
      Compiled from LoginException.java
      public class javax.security.auth.login.LoginException extends java.security.GeneralSecurityException {
          public javax.security.auth.login.LoginException();
          public javax.security.auth.login.LoginException(java.lang.String);
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 4 % javap java.security.GeneralSecurityException
      Compiled from GeneralSecurityException.java
      public class java.security.GeneralSecurityException extends java.lang.Exception {
          public java.security.GeneralSecurityException();
          public java.security.GeneralSecurityException(java.lang.String);
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 5 % javap java.lang.Exception
      Compiled from Exception.java
      public class java.lang.Exception extends java.lang.Throwable {
          static final long serialVersionUID;
          public java.lang.Exception();
          public java.lang.Exception(java.lang.String);
          public java.lang.Exception(java.lang.String,java.lang.Throwable);
          public java.lang.Exception(java.lang.Throwable);
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 6 % javap java.lang.Throwable
      Compiled from Throwable.java
      public class java.lang.Throwable extends java.lang.Object implements java.io.Serializable {
          public java.lang.Throwable();
          public java.lang.Throwable(java.lang.String);
          public java.lang.Throwable(java.lang.String,java.lang.Throwable);
          public java.lang.Throwable(java.lang.Throwable);
          public java.lang.String getMessage();
          public java.lang.String getLocalizedMessage();
          public java.lang.Throwable getCause();
          public synchronized java.lang.Throwable initCause(java.lang.Throwable);
          public java.lang.String toString();
          public void printStackTrace();
          public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintStream);
          public void printStackTrace(java.io.PrintWriter);
          public native synchronized java.lang.Throwable fillInStackTrace();
          public java.lang.StackTraceElement getStackTrace()[];
          public void setStackTrace(java.lang.StackTraceElement[]);
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 18 % java -version
      java version "1.4.0-beta3"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-beta3-b78)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-beta3-b78, mixed mode)
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 19 % javac test1.java
      test1.java:6: cannot resolve symbol
      symbol : class args
      location: class test1
      public static void main(args String[]){
      test1.java:7: cannot resolve symbol
      symbol : class ThrowableThrowableThrowable
      location: class test1
      Throwable t = new ThrowableThrowableThrowable("testthrow");
      test1.java:8: cannot resolve symbol
      symbol : constructor LoginException (java.lang.Throwable)
      location: class javax.security.auth.login.LoginException
      LoginException l1 = new LoginException(t);
      3 errors
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 20 % cat java1.java
      cat: cannot open java1.java
      cjsqe4:/home/hl130885 21 % cat test1.java
      import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
      import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;

      class test1
      public static void main(args String[]){
      Throwable t = new ThrowableThrowableThrowable("testthrow");
      LoginException l1 = new LoginException(t);





            gafter Neal Gafter
            duke J. Duke
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue

