when -xvf command is used for a non existing file in windows and solaris , differnt error messages are given :
C:\>jar -xvf NonExistingFile.jar
In windows :
java.io.FileNotFoundException: NonExistingFile.jar (The system cannot find the
file specified)
In Solaris :
java.io.FileNotFoundException: NonExisting.jar (No such file or directory)
As a result of this gold file comparison fails while executing the test in Tonga.
C:\>jar -xvf NonExistingFile.jar
In windows :
java.io.FileNotFoundException: NonExistingFile.jar (The system cannot find the
file specified)
In Solaris :
java.io.FileNotFoundException: NonExisting.jar (No such file or directory)
As a result of this gold file comparison fails while executing the test in Tonga.