Resolution: Duplicate
We are getting fully reproducible hangs in NetBeans under Merlin build 76.
Please, download some development build from:
from "Development Build" section - e.g. today the build is marked "NetBeans-dev-200108210100.zip"
Two scenarios how to "hang" the IDE follows:
1. Start NetBeans fresh build
2. Click just "Finish" button in [Setings Import Wizard]
3. Press 2 times "Next" button in [Setup Wizard] dialog, so you will be switched to "Module Installation"
4. Try to change by (mouse clicks) values of some property panels in "Enabled" collumn - from "True" to "False"
-> property panel will not be expanded -> leads to hang (full thread dump attached)
1. Start NetBeans fresh build
2. Click just "Finish" button on [Setings Import Wizard]
3. Click just "Finish" also in [Setup Wizard] dialog
4. Open some file by double click on it in [Explorer] - e.g. /sampledir/examples/texteditor/Ted
5. You will be switched to "GUI Editing" workspace
6. Click on "[JFrame]" node in [Component Inspector]
7. Try to change the name of "title" property in [Component Inspector] - click on "Ted" by mouse to do so
-> textarea will be enabled and then the IDE will hang (thread dump attached as well)
Try both descriptions under JDK 1.3.1 to see it's working well.
Please, download some development build from:
from "Development Build" section - e.g. today the build is marked "NetBeans-dev-200108210100.zip"
Two scenarios how to "hang" the IDE follows:
1. Start NetBeans fresh build
2. Click just "Finish" button in [Setings Import Wizard]
3. Press 2 times "Next" button in [Setup Wizard] dialog, so you will be switched to "Module Installation"
4. Try to change by (mouse clicks) values of some property panels in "Enabled" collumn - from "True" to "False"
-> property panel will not be expanded -> leads to hang (full thread dump attached)
1. Start NetBeans fresh build
2. Click just "Finish" button on [Setings Import Wizard]
3. Click just "Finish" also in [Setup Wizard] dialog
4. Open some file by double click on it in [Explorer] - e.g. /sampledir/examples/texteditor/Ted
5. You will be switched to "GUI Editing" workspace
6. Click on "[JFrame]" node in [Component Inspector]
7. Try to change the name of "title" property in [Component Inspector] - click on "Ted" by mouse to do so
-> textarea will be enabled and then the IDE will hang (thread dump attached as well)
Try both descriptions under JDK 1.3.1 to see it's working well.
- duplicates
JDK-4492880 Hang in KeyboardFocusManager.shouldNativelyFocusHeavyweight() and Component.requ
- Closed