Name: ngR10089 Date: 10/01/2001
In the case when a top-level class and a static nested class, declared in
another class from the same packade, have the same name, Java compiler
jdk1.4.0beta3-b81 rejects or permits using of the top-level class
depending on the order of references to these same named classes.
To reproduce the bug compile 3 sources below:
> javac -d .
After that the compilation of in which the reference to class using
static nested class precedes the reference to top-level class reports an error.
> javac -d . cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class ToolbarButton
location: package awt
core.awt.ToolbarButton b;
1 error
Another source file in which the reference to the top-level class precedes the
reference to the class using static nested class is compiled successfully.
> javac -d .
> java -version
java version "1.4.0-beta3"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-beta3-b81)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-beta3-b81, mixed mode)
package core.awt;
public class ToolbarButton {
package core.awt;
public class Actions {
public static class ToolbarButton {
package core.util.actions;
import core.awt.*;
public class CallableSystemAction {
Actions.ToolbarButton tb;
package t;
public class bad extends core.util.actions.CallableSystemAction {
class bad1 {
core.awt.ToolbarButton b;
package t;
class good1 {
core.awt.ToolbarButton b;
public class good extends core.util.actions.CallableSystemAction {
- duplicates
JDK-4491755 (#129527 follow-up) Prob w/static inner class with same name as a regular class
- Closed