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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4515705

stddoclet: Fix for 4507053 (hangs when '}' missing) emits multiple warnings


    • b40
    • sparc
    • solaris_2.6, solaris_9
    • Verified

      This bug was caused when this other bug was fixed:
      4507053: Javadoc hangs when '}' is missing from inline tag

      For build 83, of Merlin

      for the following testcase (to verify 4507053)
      Notice '}' is missing.

      jtools-sqe:/home/vr128054/vertest/4507053 132 % more t.java
       * {@link test.html
       * @author Vijayan Reddy
       * to Catch a BUG
      public class t

      the following dump is obtained, with 4 warnings reported on the same line (repetitive warnings too).

      jtools-sqe:/home/vr128054/vertest/4507053 133 % javadoc t.java
      Loading source file t.java...
      Constructing Javadoc information...
      Standard Doclet version 1.4.0

      Generating constant-values.html...
      Building tree for all the packages and classes...
      Building index for all the packages and classes...
      Generating overview-tree.html...
      Generating index-all.html...
      t.java:6: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link test.html"
      Generating deprecated-list.html...
      Building index for all classes...
      Generating allclasses-frame.html...
      Generating allclasses-noframe.html...
      Generating index.html...
      Generating packages.html...
      Generating t.html...
      t.java:6: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link test.html"
      t.java:6: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link test.html"
      t.java:6: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link test.html"
      Generating package-list...
      Generating help-doc.html...
      Generating stylesheet.css...
      4 warnings

      This is the description from the duplicate bug 4513377:

      The following doc comment creates three warnings for the first missing '}'
      on @link, and no warnings for the second missing '}' on @docRoot:

       * {@link com.package1.Class1#publicStaticMethod().
       * Any label would be ignored.
       * @see <a href="{@docRoot/com/package1/Class1.html">Class1</a>

      Here are the warnings:
      ./Class1.java:34: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link com.package1.Class1#publicStaticMethod().
       Any label would be ignored."
      ./Class1.java:34: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link com.package1.Class1#publicStaticMethod().
       Any label would be ignored."
      ./Class1.java:34: warning - Missing closing } character for inline tag: "{@link com.package1.Class1#publicStaticMethod().
       Any label would be ignored."

      This is a simplification of the the full class Class1.java, which is attached.

            jhosunw Jamie Ho (Inactive)
            rvijayansunw Ra Vijayan (Inactive)
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