- This can be seen with both build 82 and build 83 , First i thought it is not important but after analysing and unable to reproduce it on Solsparc 8 ,64bit
Want to bring it to the attention of concerned engineers
-Operating Systems , Sol 9(64 bit) build 47
SunOS marina 5.9 s81_47 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
JDK build :- 83 and 82
Bundle - pkg for solsparc and solsparcv9(tar.Z format )
*Attached warning messages comes while removing SUNWj3dev and SUNWj3rt pkgs only and not with 64 bit packages
Steps to reproduce:-
1.Install the packages using pkgadd command(you should be a root )
pkgadd -d /net/sqindia/export/disk01/jdk/1.4/beta3/b83/solsparc/pkgarchive
SUNWj3rt SUNWj3dev SUNWj3man SUNWj3dmo SUNWj3dbg SUNWj3jmp
2.packages will be installed , Verify it with pkginfo | grep SUNWj3
See detailed logs here
build 83 on Solsparc 9:-
build 83 on Solsparc 8:-
3. Remove JDK Packages by giving following command
pkgrm SUNWj3dbx SUNWj3dvx SUNWj3rtx SUNWj3dbg SUNWj3man SUNWj3dmo SUNWj3rt
See detailed logs here:-
build 83 on Solsparc 9
build 82 on Solsparc 9
Attached are the warning messages while removing SUNWj3dev and SUNWj3rt
Now, see the logs on Solsparc 8 (64 bit ) , There are no warning Error messages
* Seems like there is a conflict of existing packages on Solsparc 9 with JDK pkgs
Want to bring it to the attention of concerned engineers
-Operating Systems , Sol 9(64 bit) build 47
SunOS marina 5.9 s81_47 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10
JDK build :- 83 and 82
Bundle - pkg for solsparc and solsparcv9(tar.Z format )
*Attached warning messages comes while removing SUNWj3dev and SUNWj3rt pkgs only and not with 64 bit packages
Steps to reproduce:-
1.Install the packages using pkgadd command(you should be a root )
pkgadd -d /net/sqindia/export/disk01/jdk/1.4/beta3/b83/solsparc/pkgarchive
SUNWj3rt SUNWj3dev SUNWj3man SUNWj3dmo SUNWj3dbg SUNWj3jmp
2.packages will be installed , Verify it with pkginfo | grep SUNWj3
See detailed logs here
build 83 on Solsparc 9:-
build 83 on Solsparc 8:-
3. Remove JDK Packages by giving following command
pkgrm SUNWj3dbx SUNWj3dvx SUNWj3rtx SUNWj3dbg SUNWj3man SUNWj3dmo SUNWj3rt
See detailed logs here:-
build 83 on Solsparc 9
build 82 on Solsparc 9
Attached are the warning messages while removing SUNWj3dev and SUNWj3rt
Now, see the logs on Solsparc 8 (64 bit ) , There are no warning Error messages
* Seems like there is a conflict of existing packages on Solsparc 9 with JDK pkgs