OS - Solsparc 8 (64 bit )
JDk - Merlin Beta 3
* Please refer to the 32 bit and 64 bit package(Beta 2) installation instructions
* 32 bit package instruction clearly states "remove previous installations of old jdk packages "
* We introduced 64 bit packages in beta 2 , therefore stating
"Remove existing 64 bit packages" in installation instruction was not required since there were no 64 bit packages
* With Beta 3 we should update our documentation to say somewhere in the steps "Remove existing 64 bit packages (beta 2 )if any " .
-This would be good to avoid conflicting messages
-Further i would like to bring to notice the following things which needs to be updated .
(Though,Bill is already aware of this .. since i am filing a bug for doc just thought of putting all the info here ..)
- with Beta3 new packages SUNWj3dmx and SUNWj3jmp (japanese man pages ) have been included ..(again , Bill has informedme of this ). We need to update uor #2 in installation instructions for this
Actually there are many people within Sun - Javasoft,who had this confusion after reading docs ,End user may likely to be confused also, therefore i want to bring this to the notice through a bug :)
JDk - Merlin Beta 3
* Please refer to the 32 bit and 64 bit package(Beta 2) installation instructions
* 32 bit package instruction clearly states "remove previous installations of old jdk packages "
* We introduced 64 bit packages in beta 2 , therefore stating
"Remove existing 64 bit packages" in installation instruction was not required since there were no 64 bit packages
* With Beta 3 we should update our documentation to say somewhere in the steps "Remove existing 64 bit packages (beta 2 )if any " .
-This would be good to avoid conflicting messages
-Further i would like to bring to notice the following things which needs to be updated .
(Though,Bill is already aware of this .. since i am filing a bug for doc just thought of putting all the info here ..)
- with Beta3 new packages SUNWj3dmx and SUNWj3jmp (japanese man pages ) have been included ..(again , Bill has informedme of this ). We need to update uor #2 in installation instructions for this
Actually there are many people within Sun - Javasoft,who had this confusion after reading docs ,End user may likely to be confused also, therefore i want to bring this to the notice through a bug :)