I have tried to debbug a java program with NetBeans build 200111190100 and JDK 1.4.0 build 86. When I attempt to finish a debugging then an attached exception is thrown.
Steps to reproduce:
1. run NetBeans with a clear userdir (to be a sample dir is present)
2. select a examples/advanced/MemoryView in the Explorer
3. press F7 - Step Into - start of debugging
4. press Shift F5 - Finish -
=> an attached exception is thrown
I have seen this behaviour on Linux,Solaris and I have used several build of JDK1.4.0 between build 84 and 86.
Steps to reproduce:
1. run NetBeans with a clear userdir (to be a sample dir is present)
2. select a examples/advanced/MemoryView in the Explorer
3. press F7 - Step Into - start of debugging
4. press Shift F5 - Finish -
=> an attached exception is thrown
I have seen this behaviour on Linux,Solaris and I have used several build of JDK1.4.0 between build 84 and 86.