This is related with 4492091 which has been verified in merlin, but
it couldn't be verified in 1.3.1_02 release. So this should be separated
with merlin issue.
The section 11 and 13 in the help of HtmlConverter have incorrect
description as follows.
11) Using the command line interface method of running the converter
The converted now supports a command line interface. From a command
line, you may type:
java HTMLConverter [ filespecs ] [-simulate] [-options1 value1 [-option2 value2
If only "java HTMLConverter" is specified (no filespecs or options) the GUI version
of the converter will be launched. Otherwise, the GUI will be suppressed.
**** COMMENTS: This description says the opposite thing and there is an inconsistency
between the real command line usage and this Options description.
13) Running HTML Converter:
Once the installation is done, change directory to the install folder,
and do the following for your specific platform:
For example, on Windows:
> cd <HTML Converter Directory>
> java -jar htmlconv-131.jar
On Unix(Solaris):
%cd <HTML Converter Directory>
%java -jar htmlconv-131.jar
**** COMMENTS: This way of launching the converter has been already changed and
it's no longer available.
###@###.### 2001-11-21
it couldn't be verified in 1.3.1_02 release. So this should be separated
with merlin issue.
The section 11 and 13 in the help of HtmlConverter have incorrect
description as follows.
11) Using the command line interface method of running the converter
The converted now supports a command line interface. From a command
line, you may type:
java HTMLConverter [ filespecs ] [-simulate] [-options1 value1 [-option2 value2
If only "java HTMLConverter" is specified (no filespecs or options) the GUI version
of the converter will be launched. Otherwise, the GUI will be suppressed.
**** COMMENTS: This description says the opposite thing and there is an inconsistency
between the real command line usage and this Options description.
13) Running HTML Converter:
Once the installation is done, change directory to the install folder,
and do the following for your specific platform:
For example, on Windows:
> cd <HTML Converter Directory>
> java -jar htmlconv-131.jar
On Unix(Solaris):
%cd <HTML Converter Directory>
%java -jar htmlconv-131.jar
**** COMMENTS: This way of launching the converter has been already changed and
it's no longer available.
###@###.### 2001-11-21