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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4531145

Robot's child process is not being initialized correctly


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: P4 P4
    • None
    • 1.4.1
    • client-libs
    • x86
    • linux

      Name: dmR10075 Date: 11/26/2001


      On Solaris/Linux robot has separate child process which performs all
      robot actions (like mouse moves etc.) When this process is got killed by
      some reason we need to restart it automatically to provide robot
      functionality in applications. However when robot is restarted it is not
      being initialized correctly and unable to work. On some platforms (like
      Madrake 7.0/8.0) "killing" of robot happens very often so on that platforms
      robot doesn't work very often.

      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Open terminal window to full-screen
      2. Run the test shown below with 'java_g Test&'
      3. The test will provide some output, you should see one initilization section
        starting with 'CHILD: process started'
      4. Every 3 second you will see action section (like mouse press).
      4. Run 'ps' to see the PID of awt_robot
      5. Run 'kill -9 <robot_pid>
      6. Now every 3 seconds you will see initialization section 'CHILD: process
        started' which means that every time we try to access robot AWT tries to start
        new robot process and never succeeds.

      The automatic reproduction requires some large test case, if you need it
      contact me for details.

      The system configuration to reproduce:

      Reproducible from release/build:
      No information


            denis Denis Fokin (Inactive)
            domsunw Dom Dom (Inactive)
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