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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4587727

JCK1.4: api/java_beans/Statement/index.html#execute



    • rc1
    • x86, sparc
    • linux, solaris_2.6, windows_xp
    • Verified


      JDK : JDK1.4.0-rc-b89
      JCK : JCK1.4-b14
      Platform[s] : RedHat Linux 7.1, RedHat Linux 6.2
                      (The test passes under Windows OS)
      switch/Mode : -client -Xmixed -Xfuture
      JCK test owner : http://javaweb.eng/jck/usr/owners.jto
      Failing Test : api/java_beans/Statement/index.html#execute [Statement2012, Statement2021]

      JavaTM 2 Platform Std. Ed. v1.4.0 Specification reads about java.beans.Statement.execute() method:
      The execute method finds a method whose name is the same as the methodName property, and invokes the method on the
            target. When the target's class defines many methods with the given name the implementation should choose the most
            specific method using the algorithm specified in the Java Language Specification (15.11). The dynamic class of the
            target and arguments are used in place of the compile-time type information and, like the java.lang.reflect.Method
            class itself, conversion between primitive values and their associated wrapper classes is handled internally.

      JavaTM Language Specification reads:
      If more than one method declaration is both accessible and applicable to a method invocation, it is necessary to choose
      one to provide the descriptor for the run-time method dispatch. The Java programming language uses the rule that the most
      specific method is chosen.

      The informal intuition is that one method declaration is more specific than another if any invocation handled by the first
      method could be passed on to the other one without a compile-time type error.

      The precise definition is as follows. Let m be a name and suppose that there are two declarations of methods named m,
      each having n parameters. Suppose that one declaration appears within a class or interface T and that the types of the
      parameters are T1, . . . , Tn; suppose moreover that the other declaration appears within a class or interface U and that
      the types of the parameters are U1, . . . , Un. Then the method m declared in T is more specific than the method m declared
      in U if and only if both of the following are true:

            T can be converted to U by method invocation conversion.
            Tj can be converted to Uj by method invocation conversion, for all j from 1 to n.

      A method is said to be maximally specific for a method invocation if it is applicable and accessible and there is no other
      applicable and accessible method that is more specific.

      The following test example demonstrates incorrect Statement.execute() method behavior.

      ----------- test.java -------------
      import java.beans.*;

      public class test {
          public static void main(String argv[]) {
              DummyClass target = new DummyClass();
              Object[] arguments = {target};
              Statement statement = new Statement(target, "aMethod", arguments);
              try { statement.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
      --------- DummyClass.java ---------
      class DummySuperClass {};

      public class DummyClass extends DummySuperClass {
          public void aMethod(DummySuperClass obj) {
              System.out.println("Test failed: DummySuperClass");
          public void aMethod(DummyClass obj) {
              System.out.println("Test passed: DummyClass");

      DummyClass class contains two methods named "aMethod". The most specific method for the statement
      in test.java is aMethod(DummyClass obj) because DummyClass can be converted to DummySuperClass by
      method invocation conversion.

      But under RedHat Linux 7.1 statement.execute() invokes method aMethod(DummySuperClass obj).
      Sample output is:

      $ java test
      Test failed: DummySuperClass

      Please, note that under Windows OS the test passes. Sample output is:

      $ java test
      Test passed: DummyClass

      JCK1.4-b14 test api/java_beans/Statement/index.html#execute (testcases Statement2012, Statement2021) fails
      due to this reason.

      Test source location:

      jtr file location:

      How to reproduce:
      Run the following script under RedHat Linux 7.1
      (probably, you need to change JCK and JAVA_HOME paths):
      --------Script START---------------------
      export CLASSPATH="$JCK/classes:$JCK/javatest.jar"
      executeClass="javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.beans.Statement.executeTests -TestCaseID Statement2012 Statement2021"
      $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xfuture ${executeClass}
      ---------Script END----------------------

      Test output:
      Statement2012: Failed. Statement2012 failed
      Statement2021: Failed. Statement2021 failed
      ====== Statement2012 ======
      Target: javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.beans.Statement.DummyClass@ab95e6
      Result: null
      ====== Statement2021 ======
      Target: javasoft.sqe.tests.api.java.beans.Statement.DummyClass@fe64b9
      Result: null
      STATUS:Failed.tests: 2; failed: 2; first test case failure: Statement2012
      Test failed

      Specific Machine Info:
      Hostname: Linux-13
      OS: RedHat Linux 7.1


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