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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4592841

special aol changes should be merged into every release to reduce RE overhead


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      We have asked Release Engineering to build special AOL/Compuserve bundles for both 1.3.1 and 1.3.1_01a releases. This adds significant overhead to RE, and they've asked us to work this into every release workspace so they don't have to coordinate a special build with us whenever we need it. We don't want this to automatically get built by every build that java engineers do, so it will be a special aol_bundle target that release engineering will have to run after they run the normal promotions. The final aol/cs product should be a completely uncompressed product that will make dll calls to the compuserve progress bar. When installed, the product should be no different than the normal i18n released product.

      There should also be a way to build the single i18n executable that will copy over the plugin dll's files to products that register with Mozilla (if the normal i18n installer doesn't do it already). This will only involve adding and calling CopyPluginFiles() in make/ishield/jre/setupjre.rul if it is not done already.

      See the changes in the suggested fix.
      ###@###.### 2001-12-11

            billyh William Harnois
            billyh William Harnois
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