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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4615173

HS 1.4 (C1) crashed at Windows by stack016 tests


    • x86
    • windows_2000

      Name: elR10090 Date: 12/18/2001

      HS 1.4 Client VM crashes at Windows in -Xmixed and -Xcomp
      modes while running the test stack016 from the testbase_nsk,

          $ javac stack016.java
          $ java -Xcomp stack016 ; echo $?
      [ Exit code=128 means VM crash. ]

      Server VM doesn't crash at all platforms with and modes;
      as well as Client VM passes the test at all platforms
      except of Windows, and at Windows with -Xint mode.

      The crash is observed with HS versions 1.4-b66 to 1.4-b89;
      while HS versions 1.4-b64 and 1.4-b65 pass but print some
      warning message like, e.g.:

          $ java -Xcomp stack016 ; echo $?
          Maximal recursion depth: 7510
          Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: GenCollectedHeap::mem_allocate_work retries 42 times
      [ Exit code=95 means test "PASS". ]

      To reproduce the problem, extract the test stack016 from
      this bug-report. Following is the sources for the test:

      ======================= stack016.java =======================
      /* @(#)stack016.java 1.4 01/07/25
       * Copyright 07/25/01 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

      import java.io.*;

      public class stack016 extends Thread {
          private final static int THREADS = 10;
          private final static int CYCLES = 10;
          private final static int STEP = 10;
          private final static int RESERVE = 10;
          private final static int PROBES = STEP * RESERVE;

          public static void main(String[] args) {
              int exitCode = run(args,System.out);
              System.exit(exitCode + 95);

          public static int run (String args[], PrintStream out) {
              verbose = false;
              if (args.length > 0) {
                  if (args[0].toLowerCase().startsWith("-v"))
                      verbose = true;
              stack016.out = out;
              stack016 test = new stack016();
              return test.doRun();

          private static boolean verbose;
          private static PrintStream out;
          private void display(Object message) {
              if (!verbose)
              synchronized (out) {
          private int doRun() {
              // Measure recursive depth before stack overflow:
              int maxDepth = 0;
              for (depthToTry=0; ; depthToTry+=STEP)
                  try {
                      maxDepth = depthToTry;
                  } catch (Error error) {
              out.println("Maximal recursion depth: " + maxDepth);

              // Run the tested threads:
              stack016 threads[] = new stack016 [ THREADS ];
              for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++) {
                  threads[i] = new stack016();
                  threads[i].setName("Thread: " + (i+1) + "/" + THREADS);
                  threads[i].depthToTry = RESERVE * maxDepth;
              for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++)
                  if (threads[i].isAlive())
                      try {
                      } catch (InterruptedException exception) {
                          return 2;

              // Check if unexpected exceptions were thrown:
              int exitCode = 0;
              for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++)
                  if (threads[i].thrown != null) {
                      exitCode = 2;

              if (exitCode != 0)
                  out.println("# TEST FAILED");
              return exitCode;

          private int stackTop = 0;
          private int depthToTry = 0;
          private Throwable thrown = null;

          private void trickyRecurse(int depth) {
              stackTop = depthToTry - depth;
              if (depth > 0)
                  try {
                      trickyRecurse(depth - 1);
                  } catch (Error error) {
                      if (!(error instanceof StackOverflowError) &&
                          !(error instanceof OutOfMemoryError))
                          throw error;

                      // Provoke more stack overflow,
                      // if current stack is deep enough:
                      if (depthToTry-depth < stackTop-PROBES)
                          throw error;
                      throw new Error("TEST_RFE: try deeper recursion!");

          private static void recurse(int depth) {
              if (depth > 0)
                  recurse(depth - 1);

          public void run() {
              String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
              for (int i=1; i<=CYCLES; i++)
                  try {
                      display(threadName + ", iteration: " + i + "/" + CYCLES);
                      throw new Error(
                          "TEST_BUG: trickyRecursion() must throw an error anyway!");

                  } catch (StackOverflowError error) {
                      // It's OK: stack overflow was expected.
                  } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
                      // Also OK, if there is no memory for stack expansion.

                  } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                      if (throwable instanceof ThreadDeath)
                          throw (ThreadDeath)throwable;
                      thrown = throwable;
      ======================= EOF =======================

      Here is the full list of testbase_nsk tests catching this bug:

      Also, see the bugs:
          4457254 nsk/stress/stack/stack008 crashes with assertion at codeCache.cpp, 198
          4463493 nsk/stress/stack/stack001 test crashes with assertion at sharedRuntime.cpp, 222
          4468289 nsk/stress/stack/stack015 test crashes with assertion at synchronizer.cpp, 192


            never Tom Rodriguez
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