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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4617161

set002: requesting JDWP event VM_START results in FATAL ERROR


    • tiger
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      The following JDWP test


      is reproducible against JDK 1.4.1-beta-b10 on solaris platforms.

      ###@###.### Date: 04/29/02
      Name: elR10090 Date: 12/21/2001

      Ivan Popov <###@###.###>

      The following JDWP test


      failed against JDK 1.4.0-rc1-b89 on all platforms.

      This test tries to make request for VM_START event
      (using EventRequest.Set command) and expects that
      some error code is returned in the reply packet.

      JDWP spec tells nothing about using not supported
      EventKind argument for EventRequest.Set command.
      I suppose, nevertheless, debuggee VM should return
      some error code in this case.

      However, after receiving request for VM_START event,
      debuggee VM just exits with the following message:

          FATAL ERROR in native method:
          JDWP "standardHandlers.c" (Dec 6 2001), line 170:
          Attempt to install handler for invalid event

      I belive such behaviour of debuggee VM is not correct.

      Here is fragment of the test log:
      >>> Testing JDWP command

      Create command packet: EventRequest.Set
          event: 90
          suspendPolicy: 2
          modifiers: 0
        ... command packet created
      Sending command packet:
      Packet header (11 bytes):
          0000 (length) : 0x00000011 (17)
          0004 (id) : 0x00000002 (2)
          0008 (flags) : 0x00 (0)
          0009 (cmd set): 0x0f (15)
          000a (command): 0x01 (1)
      Entire packet (17 bytes):
          0000: 00 00 00 11 00 00 00 02 00 0f 01 5a 02 00 00 00 ...........Z....
          0010: 00 .
      Packet end
        ... command packet sent

      Waiting for reply packet

      debugee.stdout> FATAL ERROR in native method:
                      JDWP "standardHandlers.c" (Dec 6 2001), line 170:
                      Attempt to install handler for invalid event

      # ERROR: Unable to read reply packet:
      # ERROR: java.io.IOException: JDWP socket connection closed by remote host

      This test will appear in the next release of testbase_nsk
      located here:


      To reproduce the bug run 'doit.sh' script located here:

          /net/sqesvr.sfbay/export/vsn/GammaBase/Bugs/<this bug number>

          sh doit.sh $JAVA_HOME
          $JAVA_HOME: points to JDK 1.4-b89

      The bug exit in 1.4.2 JDK, the test nsk/jdwp/EventRequest/Set/set002 fail:

      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] #>
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] #> SUMMARY: Following errors occured
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] #> during test execution:
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] #>
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] # ERROR: Unable to read reply packet:
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] # ERROR: java.io.IOException: JDWP socket connection closed by remote host
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] # ERROR: Debugee> Cought IOException while sending command packet for VirtualMachine.Resume:
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] # ERROR: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] # ERROR: TEST FAILED: Error occured while sending command: VirtualMachine.Resume
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.94] # ERROR: Debugee> Cought IOException while sending command packet for VirtualMachine.Dispose:
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.99] # ERROR: java.net.SocketException: Broken pipe
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.99] # ERROR: Debuggee FAILED with exit code: 1
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.99] # ERROR: TEST FAILED
      [2008-08-06T17:44:50.99] # Test level exit status: 97


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