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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4628003

JDI testcase filter_rt001 failing


    • b05
    • generic
    • generic

        Testcase :

        Failing on all platforms.
        /net/alpheridies.sfbay/export/VM/merlin/merlin-nightly/DTF-workspace/exec1/NIGHTLY-Serv_Baseline-ClientVM-JDI_FULLLOOK-comp-Solsparc-starwars-2002-01-23-PM-20-36-38-0665/jdk/solsparc/bin/java -client -Xcomp nsk.jdi.ClassPrepareRequest.addClassFilter_rt.filter_rt001 -arch=sparc -waittime=2 -debugee.vmkind=java "-debugee.vmkeys=-client -client -Xcomp"
        ##Exit status of execution step=95

        Note: No output written..

        Name: dkR10014 Date: 01/28/2002

        The test fails only when debuggee class (filter_rt001a class) is running
        on Client VM in -Xcomp mode. The test passes in other modes including when
        debuggee is running on Server VM in -Xcomp mode.
        The failure is observed on Solaris sparc 5.7, Solaris x86 5.8,
        Linux RedHat 6.2.

        The test checks that results of the method
        complies with its spec.

        The test checks up on the following assertion:
          Restricts the events generated by this request to those
          whose location is in the given reference type or any of its subtypes.

        The debugger class (filter_rt001 class) creates StepRequest filtered
        to only debuggee's TestClass10 class and then waits for StepEvent.
        Please see detailed description of test case algorithm in header comment
        of filter_rt001.java file.

        Below is part of failure test log:

        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: debuggee started!
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: 'run': enter :: threadName == thread1
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: 'run': enter :: threadName == thread2
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: methodForCommunication();----1
        #==> nsk/jdi/StepRequest/addClassFilter_rt/filter_rt001 :::::: case: # 0
        #--> debugger: ......setting up StepRequest:
        #--> debugger: thread: instance of
        nsk.jdi.StepRequest.addClassFilter_rt.Thread1filter_rt001a(name='thread1', id=77);
        property: StepRequest1
        #--> debugger: StepRequest has been set up
        #--> debugger: ......waiting for StepEvent in expected thread
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: entered: m11
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: entered: m10
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: 'run': exit :: threadName == thread1
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: entered: m21
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: entered: m20
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: 'run': exit :: threadName == thread2
        #debugee.stderr> **> debuggee: methodForCommunication();
        ## ERROR: ##> debugger: ERROR: new event is not StepEvent
        #--> debugger: breakpointForCommunication
        ## ERROR: ##> debugger: ERROR: Exception :
        JDITestRuntimeException : ** EXCEPTION while waiting for event ** :
        JDITestRuntimeException : ** TIMEOUT while waiting for event **
        ## ERROR: ##> debugger: test phase has not finished normally: debuggee is still alive
        #--> debugger: ......forcing: vm.exit();
        #TEST FAILED

        To reproduce bug run script in
         /net/sqesvr.sfbay/export/vsn/GammaBase/Bugs/4628003 directory:

          sh doit.sh <JAVA_HOME> -client -Xcomp

         where "-client -Xcomp" are optional parameters for debuggee VM mode.

        Name: dkR10014 Date: 07/22/2002

        This bug also affects the following nsk test:
        which will be available since r16 release.


        ###@###.### 2002-10-07

        This bug also affects the following nks test:
        in -Xint and -Xmixed modes.

              mtobiass Mattias Tobiasson (Inactive)
              mavvarisunw Madhava Avvari (Inactive)
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