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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4637153

Empty DocumentFragment is appended to DocumentType node


      Name: eaR10174 Date: 02/12/2002

        An empty DocumentFragment is appended to the DocumentType node (see test.java
      below). The DocumentType node is readonly according to DOM Level 2 spec. So no nodes
      can be appended to the DocumentType node.
        This bug is found in jaxp-1.2.0-beta-b06-06_feb_2002 and affects the test in the
      JAXP 1.2 TCK (same as in JCK Merlin):
      import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
      import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
      import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
      import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
      import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
      import org.w3c.dom.Document;
      import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
      import java.io.StringReader;

      public class test {

          private static final String data =
                  "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>"
                  + "<!DOCTYPE root ["
                  + "<!ELEMENT root ANY>"
                  + "<!ENTITY ent \"foo\">"
                  + "<!NOTATION not PUBLIC \"http://xxx.xxx.xx/x.txt\">"
                  + "]>"
                  + "<root>"
                  + "</root>";

          public static void main (String[] args) {
              Document document = null;
              try {
                  DocumentBuilder docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
                  document =
                      docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(data)));
                  DocumentType docType = document.getDoctype();
                  DocumentFragment docFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();

                  docType = (DocumentType)docType.cloneNode(false);

                  System.out.println("Exception not thrown.");
              } catch (Exception e) {
      % echo $CLASSPATH

      % java -showversion test
      java version "1.3.1"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1-b24)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.1-b24, mixed mode)

      Exception not thrown.


            ayadavsunw Arun Yadav (Inactive)
            evgsunw Evg Evg (Inactive)
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