With b10 week ahead bits, cloudscape failed in c1 mode on solaris x86, linux
and windows.
Error message in cloudscape.LOG:
2002-04-15 23:54:36.950 GMT Thread[main,5,main] (XID = 5599), (LCCID = 0), Cleanup action starting
2002-04-15 23:54:36.950 GMT Thread[main,5,main] (XID = 5599), (LCCID = 0), Failed Statement is: update JBMSExample set num=180, addr='Grand Ave.' where num=1956
at c8e.i.cc.<init>(Unknown Source)
at c8e.i.bh.getRowChanger(Unknown Source)
at c8e.i.br.open(Unknown Source)
at c8e.ca.g._xn(Unknown Source)
at c8e.ca.g.execute(Unknown Source)
at c8e.l.i.executeStatement(Unknown Source)
at c8e.l.i.execute(Unknown Source)
at c8e.l.i.execute(Unknown Source)
at EndlessExample.updateTable(EndlessExample.java:58)
at EndlessExample.testLoop(EndlessExample.java:37)
at EndlessExample.<init>(EndlessExample.java:15)
at EndlessExample.main(EndlessExample.java:94)
Cleanup action completed
How to reproduce the bug:
1.telnet to x86-leopard
2. export JAVA_HOME=/usr/j2se_b08
3. /bs/runcscp1.ksh -client
it failed almost immediately.
log files are under /bt/cloudscape*
If you prefer to run cloudscape using command line:
1. telnet to x86-leopard
2. cp -r /net/mooncake.sfbay/export/bigapps/bigapps_commandline/cloudscape <some dir>
3. export JAVA_HOME=<your java home>
4. export BIGAPPS_DIR="/net/jtgb4u4c.sfbay/export/sail8/bigapps/ws/master/dist"
export APP_DIR=${BIGAPPS_DIR}/cscp/jbms153
export JAVA_ARGS="-client -ms64m -mx512m"
export CLASSPATH=${BIGAPPS_DIR}/Cloudscape/cloudscape.jar:${APP_DIR}/demo/embedded
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_ARGS} -Xverify:none EndlessExample
Please remove file "cloudscape.LOG" and directory "JBMSExample" after each try.
Or ignore some warning message when cloudscape starts.
###@###.### 2002-04-17