On Solaris Sparc, in C2 mode ( c2 & 64 bits), volanomark and volanotest failed
intermittenly with the message:
java.net.SocketException: null fd object
VolanoMark VolanoTest
-server 0.2% 6%
-d64 0.03% 9%
The failures happen more frequently with VTEST.
The error did not occur on Solaris x86.
How to reproduce the failure:
There are two alternatives to reproduce the bug, to use bigapps test scripts
or to use commandline.
To use bigapps test scripts to reproduce the bug:
1. telnet to a Solaris Sparc machine
2. export JAVA_HOME=<your java home>
3. To run volanotest,
/net/jtgb4u4c.sfbay/export/sail8/bigapps/tests/runvtest.ksh -server (or -d64)
To run volanomark,
/net/jtgb4u4c.sfbay/export/sail8/bigapps/tests/runvmark.ksh -server ( or -d64)
Alternatively, you can reproduce the bug from commandline:
1. cp -r /net/mooncake.sfbay/export/bigapps/bigapps_commandline/vtest <some dir>
2. cd <some dir>
3. export JAVA_HOME=<your java home>
4. start the server by executing the command
export VOLROOT=/net/jtgb4u4c/export/sail8/bigapps/ws/master/dist/volano/vmark2.1
${JAVA} ${JAVA_ARGS} -mx64m -Xverify:none -cp ${VOLROOT} COM.volano.Main `pwd`/testprops.txt &
where $JAVA_ARGS is either "-server" or "-d64"
5. run the client in a loop
export VOLROOT=/net/jtgb4u4c/export/sail8/bigapps/ws/master/dist/volano/vmark2.1
while true; do
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${JAVA_ARGS} -mx128m -Xverify:none -Dinstall.root=${VOLROOT} -cp ${VOLROOT} COM.volano.Test -run -port 8500 -file vtest2_1_2.log
where $JAVA_ARGS is either "-server" or "-d64"
###@###.### 2002-04-17