I'm working on trying to find a "reproducable" test case. At this
point, we've seen the problem multiple times under load conditions.
It appears to be much more reproducable if our server is running
w/ non-blocking I/O. [we've only seen the problem when we are
running the server VM on solaris].
I'm filing this now in the hopes that the pstack alone might provide
enough info to actually track the problem down
I'm attaching 2 sets of pstack traces which show the problem :
set 1: w/ blocking I/O
pstack -> pstack taken when the problem first showed up
pstack2-> pstack taken when all connections had exited
In this case, the "client" threads used
by the broker (our server) were no longer process
read or write events
pstack3 -> pstack taken several seconds after pstack2
(shows the threads that are spinning)
Host info:
java -fullversion (for client & broker)
java full version "1.4.0-b92"
hostname: sidewinder
showrev -p : attached as showrev-1
sysinfo : attached as sysinfo_1
set 2: older pstack trace taken w/ non-blocking IO (was found
running a different test case)
Stack trace of the spinning thread (I no longer
have the full pstack traces)
Host info:
java -fullversion (for client & broker)
java full version "1.4.0-b92"
hostname: iclab2
showrev -p : attached as showrev-2
sysinfo : attached as sysinfo_2
I'll attach a test case as soon as I can find one