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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4691864

Activator_xx.java need to be synchronized to latest English version


    • rc
    • generic
    • generic

      ext/plugin/java/src/sun/plugin/resources/Activator_xx.java (except Japanese file) need to be synchronized to latest version during hopper-rc.

      The following messages have been added or updated after l10n team started hopper-beta translation:

      { "loading", "Loading {0} ..." },
      { "failed", "Loading Java Applet Failed..." },
      { "image_failed", "Failed to create user-defined image. Check image file name." },
      { "exception", "Exception: {0}" },
      { "status_applet", "Applet {0} {1}" },
      { "usability.menu.open_console", "Open Java Console" },
      { "usability.menu.about_java", "About Java(TM)" },
      { "cache.version_format_error", "{0} is not in the form xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx, where x is a hexadecimal digit" }, (note: changed "an" to "a")
      { "cache.header_fields_missing", "Last modified time and/or expiration value is not available. Jar file will not be cached."},
      { "console.completed", " ... completed." }, (note: 4 dots becomes 3 dots)
      { "console.clear.classloader", "Clear classloader cache ... completed."}, (note: changed 4 dots to 3 dots)
      { "console.reload.policy", "Reload policy configuration" }, (note: changed 4 dots to 3 dots)
      { "progress.listener.added", "Added progress listener: {0}" },
      { "progress.listener.removed", "Removed progress listener: {0}" },
      { "liveconnect.default.policy", "JavaScript: default security policy = {0}" },
      { "jpicertstore.cert.loading", "Loading JPI certificates from {0}" },
      { "jpicertstore.cert.loaded", "Loaded JPI certificates from {0}" },
      { "jpicertstore.cert.saving", "Saving JPI certificates in {0}" },
      { "jpicertstore.cert.saved", "Saved JPI certificates in {0}" },
      { "jpicertstore.cert.added", "Added certificate in JPI permanent certificate store as alias {0}" },
      { "jpicertstore.cert.removed", "Removed certificate in JPI permanent certificate store as alias {0}" },
      { "jpihttpscertstore.cert.loading", "Loading JPI Https certificates from {0}" },
      { "jpihttpscertstore.cert.loaded", "Loaded JPI Https certificates from {0}" },
      { "jpihttpscertstore.cert.saving", "Saving JPI Https certificates in {0}" },
      { "jpihttpscertstore.cert.saved", "Saved JPI Https certificates in {0}" },
      { "jpihttpscertstore.cert.added", "Added Https certificate in JPI permanent certificate store as alias {0}" },
      { "jpihttpscertstore.cert.removed", "Removed Https certificate in JPI permanent certificate store as alias {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.loading", "Loading Root CA certificates from {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.loaded", "Loaded Root CA certificates from {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.noload", "Root CA certificates file not found: {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.saving", "Saving Root CA certificates in {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.saved", "Saved Root CA certificates in {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.added", "Added certificate in Root CA certificate store as alias {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.removed", "Removed certificate in Root CA certificate store as alias {0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.tobeverified", "Certificate to be verified:\n{0}" },
      { "rootcertstore.cert.tobecompared", "Comparing certificate against Root CA certificate:\n{0}" }
      { "roothttpscertstore.cert.loading", "Loading Https Root CA certificates from {0}" },
      { "roothttpscertstore.cert.loaded", "Loaded Https Root CA certificates from {0}" },
      { "roothttpscertstore.cert.saving", "Saving Https Root CA certificates in {0}" },
      { "roothttpscertstore.cert.tobeverified", "Certificate to be verified:\n{0}" },
      { "roothttpscertstore.cert.tobecompared", "Comparing certificate against Https Root CA certificate:\n{0}" },
      { "pluginclassloader.created_files", "Created {0} in cache." },
      { "pluginclassloader.file", " deleting from cache {0}" },
      { "pluginclassloader.empty_file", "{0} is empty, deleting from cache." },
      { "appletcontext.audio.loaded", "Loaded audio clip: {0}" },
      { "appletcontext.image.loaded", "Loaded image: {0}" },
      { "classloaderinfo.caching", "Caching classloader: {0}" },
      { "classloaderinfo.cachesize", "Current classloader cache size: {0}" },
      { "trace.listener.added", "Added trace listener: {0}" },
      { "trace.listener.removed", "Removed trace listener: {0}" },
      { "optpkg.install.info", "Installing optional package {0}" },
      { "optpkg.install.granted", "Optional package download granted by user, download from {0}" },
      { "optpkg.install.begin", "Installing {0}" },
      { "optpkg.install.java.launch.command", "Launching Java installer through \'{0}\'" },
      { "dialogfactory.user.selected", "User selected: {0}" },
      { "dialogfactory.user.typed", "User typed: {0}" },
      {"applet_viewer.color_tag", "Incorrect number of components in {0}"},
      {"progress_bar.preload", "Preloading JAR files: {0}"},
      {"cache.response_warning", "WARNING: Unexpected response {0} for {1}. File will be downloaded again."},
      { "cache_viewer.expiry_date", "Expiration Date" },
      { "cache_viewer.help.expiry_date", "Cached file expiration date" },
      { "net.proxy.browser.pref.read", "Reading user preference file from {0}"},
      { "net.proxy.browser.proxyEnable", " Proxy enable: {0}"},
      { "net.proxy.browser.proxyList", " Proxy list: {0}"},
      { "net.proxy.browser.proxyOverride", " Proxy override: {0}"},
      { "net.proxy.browser.autoConfigURL", " Auto config URL: {0}"},
      { "net.proxy.auto.download.ins", "Downloading INS file from {0}" },
      { "net.proxy.auto.download.js", "Downloading auto proxy file from {0}" },
      { "com.method.ambiguous", "Unable to select a method, ambiguous parameters" },
      { "com.method.notexists", "{0} :no such method exists" },
      { "com.notexists", "{0} :no such method/property exists" },
      { "com.method.invoke", "Invoking method: {0}" },
      { "com.method.jsinvoke", "Invoking JS method: {0}" },
      { "com.method.argsTypeInvalid", "The parameters cannot be converted to the required types" },
      { "com.method.argCountInvalid", "Number of arguments is not correct" },
      { "com.field.needsConversion", "Needs conversion: {0} --> {1}" },
      { "com.field.typeInvalid", " cannot be converted to type: {0}" },
      { "com.field.get", "Getting property: {0}" },
      { "com.field.set", "Setting property: {0}" }

      They need to be fixed for hopper-rc.

            mfang Michael Fang (Inactive)
            mfang Michael Fang (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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