Resolution: Fixed
ext/plugin/java/src/sun/plugin/resources/ControlPanel_xx.java (except Japanese file) need to be synchronized to latest version during hopper-rc.
The following messages have been added or updated after l10n team started hopper-beta translation:
{ "advanced.jdk_format", "SDK {0} in {1}" },
{ "panel.update", "Update" },
{ "advanced.path", "Other SDK/JRE " },
{ "browser.settings.success.text", "<html><b>Browser Settings Changed</b></html>Changes will be in effect after restart of browser(s).\n" },
{ "browser.settings.fail.ie.text", "<html><b>Unable to Change Browser Settings</b></html>Please check if you have "
+ "sufficient permissions to change system settings.\n" },
{ "browser.settings.fail.ns6.text", "<html><b>Unable to Change Browser Settings</b></html>"
+ "Please check that Netscape 6 is properly installed on the system and/or "
+ "that you have "
+ "sufficient permissions to change system settings.\n" },
{ "proxy.use_browser", "Use Browser Settings" },
{ "proxy.bypass", "No Proxy Host (Use comma to separate multiple hosts)" },
{ "proxy.autourl", "Automatic Proxy Configuration URL" },
{ "cert.rbutton_signed_applet", "Signed Applet" },
{ "cert.rbutton_secure_site", "Secure Site" },
{ "cert.rbutton_secure_site_ca", "Secure Site CA" },
{ "cert.dialog.import.format.text", "<html><b>Unrecognized File Format</b></html>No certificate will be imported." },
{ "cert.dialog.import.file.text", "<html><b>File Doesn't Exist</b></html>No certificate will be imported." },
{ "jarcache.clear", "Clear" },
{ "jarcache.view", "View" },
{ "jarcache.compression", "Jar Compression" },
{ "jarcache.erase.confirm.text", "Erase all files in {0}?" },
{ "update.button.text", "Get Java Update" },
{ "update.desc.text", "You can check for update availability by clicking the \"Get Java Update\" button." },
{ "update.launchbrowser.error.text", "<html><b>Unable to Launch Browser</b></html>To obtain the latest Java(TM) Update, please goto http://java.sun.com/getjava/javaupdate" },
{ "update.launchbrowser.error.caption", "Error - Update" },
The following messages have been added or updated after l10n team started hopper-beta translation:
{ "advanced.jdk_format", "SDK {0} in {1}" },
{ "panel.update", "Update" },
{ "advanced.path", "Other SDK/JRE " },
{ "browser.settings.success.text", "<html><b>Browser Settings Changed</b></html>Changes will be in effect after restart of browser(s).\n" },
{ "browser.settings.fail.ie.text", "<html><b>Unable to Change Browser Settings</b></html>Please check if you have "
+ "sufficient permissions to change system settings.\n" },
{ "browser.settings.fail.ns6.text", "<html><b>Unable to Change Browser Settings</b></html>"
+ "Please check that Netscape 6 is properly installed on the system and/or "
+ "that you have "
+ "sufficient permissions to change system settings.\n" },
{ "proxy.use_browser", "Use Browser Settings" },
{ "proxy.bypass", "No Proxy Host (Use comma to separate multiple hosts)" },
{ "proxy.autourl", "Automatic Proxy Configuration URL" },
{ "cert.rbutton_signed_applet", "Signed Applet" },
{ "cert.rbutton_secure_site", "Secure Site" },
{ "cert.rbutton_secure_site_ca", "Secure Site CA" },
{ "cert.dialog.import.format.text", "<html><b>Unrecognized File Format</b></html>No certificate will be imported." },
{ "cert.dialog.import.file.text", "<html><b>File Doesn't Exist</b></html>No certificate will be imported." },
{ "jarcache.clear", "Clear" },
{ "jarcache.view", "View" },
{ "jarcache.compression", "Jar Compression" },
{ "jarcache.erase.confirm.text", "Erase all files in {0}?" },
{ "update.button.text", "Get Java Update" },
{ "update.desc.text", "You can check for update availability by clicking the \"Get Java Update\" button." },
{ "update.launchbrowser.error.text", "<html><b>Unable to Launch Browser</b></html>To obtain the latest Java(TM) Update, please goto http://java.sun.com/getjava/javaupdate" },
{ "update.launchbrowser.error.caption", "Error - Update" },