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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4709930

LIN64: StepEvent is generated after code execution



    • rc
    • itanium
    • linux_redhat_7.2
    • Verified


      Name: ipR10196 Date: 06/28/2002

      Ivan Popov <###@###.###>

      Test : nsk/jdi/StepEvent/_itself_/stepevent001
      TestBase : testbase_nsk
      VM : Server (64-bit)
      Mode : int
      Platform : ia64
      OS : RH7.2

      Steps to reproduce
      1. cd /net/sqesvr.eng/export/vsn/GammaBase/Bugs/{BugID}
      2. sh doit.sh $JAVA_HOME

      This tests revealed that the StepEvent is generated after
      the code at its location is executed.

      Test log:
      Connecting to debuggee
      binder> VirtualMachineManager: version 1.4
      binder> Finding connector: default
      binder> LaunchingConnector:
      binder> name: com.sun.jdi.CommandLineLaunch
      binder> description: Launches target using Sun Java VM command line and attaches to it
      binder> transport: dt_socket
      binder> Connector arguments:
      binder> home=/mnt/alpheridies.sfbay/export/VM/hopper/weekly/JDK/b15/linux-ia64/jre
      binder> vmexec=java
      binder> options=-server -DHANGINGJAVA -server -Xint -DHANGINGJAVA -server -Xint
      binder> main=nsk.jdi.StepEvent._itself_.stepevent001a -arch=linuxia64 "-waittime=2"
      "-debugee.vmkind=java" "-debugee.vmkeys=-server -DHANGINGJAVA -server -Xint -DHANGINGJAVA
      -server -Xint"
      binder> quote="
      binder> suspend=true
      binder> Launching debugee
      Waiting for command: ready
      Getting loaded class in debuggee
      Getting reference to main thread
      Getting reference to method <foo>
      Getting reference to field <counter>
      Getting all locations
      Getting checked location
      Creating auxiliary BreakpointRequest
      suspend policy is SUSPEND_ALL
      Auxiliary BreakpointRequest is created
      Creating StepRequest
      StepRequest is created but not yet enabled
      Cleaning event queue
      Starting eventHandler
      Sending command: go

      Waiting for command: done

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:70 in thread main
      BreakpointEvent received for location 70
      StepRequest is enabled upon receiving breakpoint event on checked line
      Resuming event set

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:71 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:71 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 1 times
      StepEvent received for location: 71
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:72 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:72 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 2 times
      StepEvent received for location: 72
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:73 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:73 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 3 times
      StepEvent received for location: 73
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:74 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:74 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 4 times
      StepEvent received for location: 74
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:75 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:75 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 5 times
      StepEvent received for location: 75
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:76 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:76 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 6 times
      StepEvent received for location: 76
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:77 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:77 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 7 times
      StepEvent received for location: 77
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:78 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:78 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 8 times
      StepEvent received for location: 78
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:79 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:79 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 9 times
      StepEvent received for location: 79
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:80 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:80 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 10 times
      StepEvent received for location: 80
      Counter == 10
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      Disabling event request at the last checked line: 80

      Event received:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:81 in thread main
      Received event is StepEvent:
        ###@###.###Event._itself_.stepevent001a:81 in thread main
      Expected StepEvent received: 11 times
      StepEvent received for location: 81
      Counter == 10
      Resuming event set

      Waiting for all expected events received
      No event
      eventHandler completed
      Too many StepEvents are received: 11
      Disabling auxilary breakpoint request
      Sending command: quit
      Finally cleaning event queue
      Waiting for debuggee terminating
      Debuggee PASSED with exit code: 95

      #> SUMMARY: Following errors occured
      #> during test execution:
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution
      # ERROR: FAILURE 5: StepEvent is generated after code execution



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              popovsunw Popov Popov (Inactive)
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