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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4712597

improve font rendering performance



    • 2d
    • sparc
    • solaris_8


      customer would like to have the font rendering performance that was achieved using drawByte in 1.1.8 to be the same in 1.4.x using drawString.
      See this email:

      The case emerged from a discussion our developers had with Munich based Sun
      support at our site about two weeks agao. Our developers raised the topic that
      font rendering performance has been reduced since 1.1.8 and over the course of
      1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 has not returned to the levels they achieved (using drawByte())
      with 1.1.8. Their observation was based on their experience writing Java code
      over the past years, both with Deutsche Börse applications as well as with their
      own productus they have on the market. In the days of 1.1.8 they looked for a
      fast way of rendering or displaying simple text strings. They evaluated
      different functions and found drawByte offered the best performance. This is why
      they chose drawByte. When 1.2 got introduced they realized drawByte was modified
      to call a drawString, hence the performance gain which drawByte gave over
      drawString was lost. I am not a developer myself but as far as I understand
      drawByte was implemented in a way talking to the OS in a more or less direct
      fashion, whereas all other calls are using Java 2D (offering benefits like
      platform independent look and feel we admit) which take more time to complete.
      To discuss this issue we came up with the test case and checked all four
      versions 1.1.8, 1.2 , 1.3 and 1.4. We were surprised to see both the actual
      difference between 1.1.8 and 1.4 but also the actual difference between 1.3 and
      1.4, hence we raised the call. So the call was not (primarily) raised because
      profiling the current GUIs (which do not use drawByte because there is nothing
      to gain using drawByte) showed a bottleneck drawing text but rather because
      developers were unhappy the performance drawByte offered has been taken away
      since Java 1.2 and they may not choose between a slower drawString offering some
      Java 2D benefits and a quick drawByte offering less functionality any more. The
      second reason to raise the call was because of the difference we saw between 1.3
      and 1.4.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            pmaier Peter Maier (Inactive)
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