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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4712612

SPEC: the same resource names in default soundbank


    • b26
    • generic
    • generic
    • Verified

      Name: vtR10009 Date: 07/10/2002

        Specification for the method SoundbankResource.getName() from the
      package javax.sound.midi reads:
      ".. This should generally be a string descriptive of the resource, and it
      should be unique within a given soundbank, so that a user can select an
      instrument based on its name."

      But default soundbank in the reference implementation contains resources
      and instruments with the same names.
      This bug causes failure of new JCK test:
      To reproduce the bug run the following test with JDK build 1.4.1-rc-b16:
      ------------------------------- test.java --------------------------------
      import java.io.*;
      import javax.sound.midi.*;

      public class test {

          public static void main(String args[]) {
              boolean failed = false;
              SoundbankResource[] resArr;
              SoundbankResource[] instArr;
              Synthesizer synth = null;
              SoundbankResource res;
              Soundbank bank;

              try {
                  synth = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();
                  bank = synth.getDefaultSoundbank();
                  if (bank == null) {
                      System.err.println("No default soundbank!");
                  resArr = bank.getInstruments();
                  if (resArr.length == 0) {
                      System.err.println("No instruments!");

                  for (int i = 0; i < (resArr.length - 1); i++) {
                      res = resArr[i];
                      for (int j = i + 1; j < resArr.length; j++) {
                          if (resArr[i].getName().equals(resArr[j].getName())) {
                              failed = true;
                              System.err.println(" Two instruments have identical
      names: "
                                      + resArr[i].getName());
                              System.err.println(" resources: " + i + " and " + j);
                  resArr = bank.getResources();
                  instArr = bank.getInstruments();
                  if (resArr.length == 0) {
                      System.err.println("No Resources!");
                  if (resArr.length == 0) {
                      System.err.println("No instruments!");

                  for (int i = 0; i < resArr.length; i++) {
                      res = resArr[i];
                      for (int j = 0; j < instArr.length; j++) {
                          if (resArr[i].getName().equals(instArr[j].getName())) {
                              failed = true;
                              System.err.println(" Resource and instrument have
      identical names: "
                                      + resArr[i].getName());
                              System.err.println(" resources: " + i + " and " + j);
              } catch (MidiUnavailableException mue) {
                  System.err.println("MidiUnavailableException was thrown: " + mue);
                  failed = true;
              } finally {
                  if (synth != null) synth.close();
              if( failed ) {
                  System.err.println("test failed");
              } else {

      novo101:templates$ javac test.java; java -showversion test
      java version "1.4.1-rc"
      Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1-rc-b16)
      Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1-rc-b16, mixed mode)

       Two instruments have identical names: Tom Hi
       resources: 144 and 146
       Two instruments have identical names: tablaesque_lo
       resources: 319 and 365
       Two instruments have identical names: tablaesque_hi
       resources: 320 and 366
       Two instruments have identical names: nine_inch_kick
       resources: 321 and 367
       Two instruments have identical names: hippishake
       resources: 322 and 368
       Two instruments have identical names: ScienceTom
       resources: 323 and 369
       Two instruments have identical names: click
       resources: 324 and 370
       Two instruments have identical names: rvs cymb pan long
       resources: 325 and 371
       Two instruments have identical names: rvs cymb pan med
       resources: 326 and 372
       Two instruments have identical names: rvs cymb pan shrt
       resources: 327 and 373
       Two instruments have identical names: woodstick
       resources: 328 and 374
       Two instruments have identical names: electrobrite
       resources: 329 and 375
       Two instruments have identical names: SloLaser
       resources: 330 and 376
       Two instruments have identical names: ufo-by
       resources: 331 and 377
       Two instruments have identical names: air snare
       resources: 332 and 378
       Two instruments have identical names: weird snare
       resources: 333 and 379
       Two instruments have identical names: flange snare
       resources: 334 and 380
       Two instruments have identical names: ping drum
       resources: 335 and 381
       Two instruments have identical names: itchy-scratch
       resources: 336 and 382
       Two instruments have identical names: itchy-scratch2
       resources: 337 and 383
       Two instruments have identical names: hi_metallic_snare
       resources: 338 and 384
       Two instruments have identical names: noise echo
       resources: 339 and 385
       Two instruments have identical names: buzzy hit
       resources: 340 and 386
       Two instruments have identical names: rez_hat
       resources: 341 and 387
       Two instruments have identical names: bucket hit
       resources: 342 and 388
       Two instruments have identical names: icecube
       resources: 343 and 389
       Two instruments have identical names: explosive kick
       resources: 344 and 390
       Two instruments have identical names: mutant cowbell
       resources: 345 and 391
       Two instruments have identical names: Temple Bell
       resources: 346 and 392
       Two instruments have identical names: Hi Temple Gong
       resources: 347 and 393
       Two instruments have identical names: Thuddy Kick
       resources: 348 and 394
       Two instruments have identical names: LoBell
       resources: 349 and 395
       Two instruments have identical names: sinechirp
       resources: 350 and 396
       Two instruments have identical names: hollow_metal_hit
       resources: 351 and 397
       Two instruments have identical names: woodblock
       resources: 352 and 398
       Two instruments have identical names: reverse cymbal
       resources: 353 and 399
       Two instruments have identical names: tablaesque_slap
       resources: 354 and 400
       Two instruments have identical names: sonarblip
       resources: 355 and 401
       Two instruments have identical names: sinehit
       resources: 356 and 402
       Two instruments have identical names: sineblock
       resources: 357 and 403
       Two instruments have identical names: Krelltone
       resources: 358 and 404
       Two instruments have identical names: sine_kick
       resources: 359 and 405
       Two instruments have identical names: hi-tone*
       resources: 360 and 406
       Two instruments have identical names: hi-click
       resources: 361 and 407
       Two instruments have identical names: Gate-tone
       resources: 362 and 408
       Two instruments have identical names: chem-tone
       resources: 363 and 409
       Two instruments have identical names: dub_kick
       resources: 364 and 410
       Resource and instrument have identical names: woodblock
       resources: 101 and 352
       Resource and instrument have identical names: woodblock
       resources: 101 and 398
      test failed
      ###@###.### 2003-08-07
      Changing resp. eng. to me.

      ###@###.### 2003-08-07
      Reopened bug, removed commited to, fixed in, Integrated in, Verified in

      Closed because we will not fix bug.
      ###@###.### 2003-10-23
      We fixed it after all.

            kpsmith Kevin Smith (Inactive)
            vitcsunw Vitc Vitc (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
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