###@###.### 2002-07-16
Browser:: IE5.5 IE6.x
Platfrom: Win32
JRE Build used: Build 16
JRE Location: http://sqesvr/deployment3/hopper/HB-rc-16/win32.b16/
or /import/java/jdk1.4.1/../bundles/win*
Based on the Scripting Redesign RFE for Internet explorer
A method invoked from Java to javascript using JSObject call must marshall
the parameters correctly and return the correct type when moving
between Java-JS and back from Js-Java.
Currently, this is what is observed when using the JSOBject call method
Passed argument Return type expected Actual Returntype
char char integer
byte byte integer
float float double
long long double
short short integer
NOTE: what method returns (see "Actual Returntype")
Netscape 6.x returns these values correctly.
Test URL: