Name: pa48320 Date: 07/23/2002
We have code that calls through the JNI interface to run a
java method. Running that code conistently causes the program to crash
with the following message printed out:
# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error, Internal Error
# Please report this error at
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.1-rc-b16 mixed mode)
# Error ID: 43113F32554E54494D45110E4350500305
# Problematic Thread: prio=5 tid=0x01966030 nid=0x544 runnable
We have seen this with build 16 and build 17. The method is not getting
passes a NULL method ID and the class is also not NULL. There is no
indication as to what could be causing this error.
The stack frame at the time of the abort is as follows:
CMainFrame::AbortVM() line 4285
report_error(int 1, const char * 0x018b6b20, int 773, const char *
0x6d4255cc `string', const char * 0x6d4255dc `string') line 343 + 7
report_fatal(const char * 0x6d4224f8 `string', int 773, const char *
0x6d422590 `string') line 139 + 30 bytes
Runtime1::return_address_for_exception() line 773 + 35 bytes
os::os_exception_wrapper(void (JavaValue *, methodHandle *,
JavaCallArguments *, Thread *)* 0x6d39e497
JavaCalls::call_helper(JavaValue *, methodHandle *, JavaCallArguments *,
Thread *), JavaValue * 0x0012e9cc, methodHandle * 0x0012e8d0,
JavaCallArguments * 0x0012e910, Thread * 0x018b6b20) line 1698 + 15
JavaCalls::call(JavaValue * 0x0012e9cc, methodHandle {...},
JavaCallArguments * 0x0012e910, Thread * 0x018b6b20) line 308 + 27 bytes
jni_invoke_nonstatic(JNIEnv_ * 0x018b6bac, JavaValue * 0x0012e9cc,
_jobject * 0x01d38878, JNICallType JNI_VIRTUAL, _jmethodID * 0x018b711c,
JNI_ArgumentPusher * 0x0012e9b0, Thread * 0x018b711c) line 757 + 16
jni_CallIntMethodA(JNIEnv_ * 0x018b6bac, _jobject * 0x01d38878,
_jmethodID * 0x15327d38, const jvalue * 0x14ea06c8) line 932 + 102 bytes
JNIEnv_::CallIntMethodA(_jobject * 0x01d38878, _jmethodID * 0x15327d38,
jvalue * 0x14ea06c8) line 962
- duplicates
JDK-4723783 hprof:cpu=times crash with 1.4.1 build 18.
- Closed