Browser : NS 6.2.2 & NS 7.0
Build : Mantis Pit 02
Platform : SOlaris Sparc 8 , RH Linux 7.2 (Works fine on Windows platforms)
Problem Description : NS 6.2 & 7.0 Browser gets killed while loading java applets
Steps to reproduce :
1.) Install the Java Plugin from
2.) setup a softlink under /<browser>/plugins/ pointing to
3.) Invoke any applet using NS 6.2 or NS 7.0 browser from the following URL
Result : The browser gets killed while loading the applets,
When I check Netscape Browser Help -> about plugins, I could see all the mime types being registered.
Note : This problem have been demonstrated to xiaobin lu and was verified on 3 different machines
P.S : when the browser gets killed there was no error log file or core dump created on the machine.
- duplicates
JDK-4743469 Applet crashes (bugzilla 162317)
- Resolved
- relates to
JDK-4750216 Mantis PIT 03 : NS 6.2 & 7.0 browser gets killed while loading applets
- Closed