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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4756688

stddoclet: Combine -docencoding and -charset options


      Name: dk30142 Date: 10/02/2002

      The standard doclet currently has two separate but related options:
      -charset and -docencoding, which, if they both take values, should
      take the same value. The -docencoding option tells the standard doclet
      which encoding to use when writing the HTML files. The -charset option
      independently creates the following META tag which identifies the encoding
      used when reading the HTML files:

        <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

      To play things safe, the charset should really be derived from the
      character encoding named in the -docencoding option (or the default used
      if this option isn't given), in the manner described in my evaluation.
      Letting the caller specify -charset and -docencoding separately just
      opens the door to inconsistent settings. Can we remove the -charset
      option? Or just provide an option to turn off the charset specification?

      This RFE was inspired by this RFE:
      4753019 : "No character encoding detected" warning from HTML validator

            jjg Jonathan Gibbons
            dkramersunw Douglas Kramer (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
