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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4759909

jdk 1.4.0 client VM crashes


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: P1 P1
    • None
    • 1.4.0
    • hotspot
    • None
    • sparc
    • solaris_8

      JDK 1.4.0 client hotspot crashes with following error:
      Unexpected Signal : 11 occurred at PC=0xFED0AFC8
      Function=[Unknown. Nearest: JVM_GetStackAccessControlContext+0x10B4]

      Current Java thread:
        at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)
         - locked <764b08f0> (a java.lang.NullPointerException)
           at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:180)
               at java.lang.Exception.<init>(Exception.java:29)
               at java.lang.RuntimeException.<init>(RuntimeException.java:32)
      [error occured during error reporting]
      initialize TLAB: thread: 0x00000000 size: 0KB used

      Dbx stack is as follows
      (complete dbx stack is in attached file hotspot_crash_1006.tar.gz):
      t@1988 (l@1988) terminated by signal SEGV (no mapping at the fault address)
      0xfedba048: scope_desc_at+0x01a4: ld [%l3 + 0x4], %g2
      (dbx) where
      current thread: t@1988
      =>[1] nmethod::scope_desc_at(0xfb401d48, 0xfb4027a0, 0x0, 0xfb4027a0, 0x203534, 0xfef123dc), at 0xfedba048
        [2] vframe::new_vframe(0x7237c9d0, 0x7237c9e0, 0x841810, 0x24, 0x2d6694, 0xfef125a4), at 0xfef12470
        [3] vframe::sender(0x466178, 0x466178, 0xfefa9611, 0xfefa960a, 0x4, 0x0), at 0xfef12600
        [4] JavaThread::print_stack(0x841810, 0xfef969e8, 0xff3a196c, 0x23ffa8, 0xfeedfcc8, 0x0), at 0xfef0471c
        [5] os::report_fatal_error(0xffffffff, 0x0, 0xfef96867, 0x1, 0xfeffa060, 0x7237d880), at 0xfeedfd18
        [6] os::handle_unexpected_exception(0x841810, 0xb, 0xfed0afc8, 0x7237dd28, 0xfede6408, 0x0), at 0xfeee0164
        [7] JVM_handle_solaris_signal(0xfed0afc8, 0x7237dd28, 0x7237da70, 0xfed0afc8, 0xfed0afcc, 0x0), at 0xfede6c2c
        [8] __sighndlr(0xb, 0x7237dd28, 0x7237da70, 0xfede63a4, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xff374ca4
        [9] call_user_handler(0x75da4e00, 0x7c4, 0xff3878e0, 0x7237da70, 0x7237dd28, 0xb), at 0xff36fadc
        [10] sigacthandler(0x75da4e00, 0x7237dd28, 0x7237da70, 0xff386000, 0x7237dd28, 0xb), at 0xff36fca8
        ---- called from signal handler with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) ------
        [11] vframeStream::fill_from_frame(0x7237df10, 0x7237ea50, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1, 0xfac0d0e4), at 0xfed0afc8
        [12] vframeStream::next(0x7237df10, 0xe6844fe0, 0xff01fa6c, 0xe6802e28, 0xff01fa6c, 0x7237e3d8), at 0xfed0b398
        [13] java_lang_Throwable::fill_in_stack_trace(0xfeff0198, 0xff022350, 0xff000a0c, 0xfefff8cc, 0x2f2aa4, 0xff001bb4), at 0xfed2a23c
        [14] java_lang_Throwable::fill_in_stack_trace(0x7237e170, 0x7237e6a8, 0xa, 0xe6844f50, 0xfac0bc8c, 0x7237e768), at 0xfed29770
        [15] JVM_FillInStackTrace(0x84189c, 0x7237e2cc, 0x7237e764, 0x841810, 0x841810, 0x0), at 0xfed295b8
        [16] Java_java_lang_Throwable_fillInStackTrace(0x84189c, 0x7237e2cc, 0x7237e690, 0x7237e68c, 0x7237e764, 0x0), at 0xfebac10c
        [17] 0xfac0d134(0x764b08f0, 0x7237e340, 0x7237e344, 0x7237e740, 0x0, 0x7237e268), at 0xfac0d133
        [18] 0xfac05c4c(0x764b08f0, 0x7237e3b8, 0x7237e3bc, 0xfac15410, 0x7237e964, 0x7237e2e8), at 0xfac05c4b
        [19] 0xfac05da0(0x764b08f0, 0x7237e430, 0x7237e434, 0xfac155dc, 0x2ba30, 0x7237e360), at 0xfac05d9f
        [20] 0xfac05da0(0x764b08f0, 0x7237e4a8, 0x7237e4ac, 0xfac155dc, 0x841810, 0x7237e3d8), at 0xfac05d9f
        [21] 0xfac05da0(0x841810, 0x0, 0x0, 0xfac155dc, 0x2f2aa4, 0x7237e450), at 0xfac05d9f
        [22] 0xfac00438(0x7237e538, 0x7237e6a8, 0xa, 0xe6844f50, 0xfac0bc8c, 0x7237e768), at 0xfac00437
        [23] JavaCalls::call_helper(0x7237e6a0, 0x7237e5f4, 0x7237e764, 0x841810, 0x841810, 0x0), at 0xfecfd9a4
        [24] JavaCalls::call_special(0x7237e6a0, 0x7237e698, 0x7237e690, 0x7237e68c, 0x7237e764, 0x841810), at 0xfed06f68
        [25] Exceptions::new_exception(0x7237e974, 0x841810, 0x7237e744, 0x7237e740, 0x7237e764, 0x7237e73c), at 0xfed318a8
        [26] Exceptions::new_exception(0x7237e974, 0x841810, 0x7237e970, 0x0, 0x7237e964, 0x7237e958), at 0xfed315dc
        [27] throw_and_post_jvmdi_exception(0x841810, 0x7237e9dc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfef4c8dc
        [28] Runtime1::throw_null_exception(0x841810, 0xfac4c020, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfef4cff8
        [29] 0xfac4c050(0xe6f63eb8, 0x82ca99e0, 0x82c9aab0, 0x8296b198, 0xe6d561e0, 0xe6f63eb8), at 0xfac4c04f
        [30] 0xfb402798(0xe6f55308, 0xe6f55308, 0x82ca99e0, 0x82c9aab0, 0xe6f55308, 0x764a7a00), at 0xfb402797
        [31] 0xfb223fa8(0xe684c190, 0x82ca99e0, 0xe6f55290, 0xe6f55290, 0xe6f55290, 0xe6d561e0), at 0xfb223fa7
        [32] 0xfb0a9924(0x829cef58, 0x82ca99e0, 0x82c9aab0, 0x3, 0xa, 0x764388c0), at 0xfb0a9923
        [33] 0xfb0a924c(0x829cef58, 0x82ca99e0, 0x82c9aab0, 0x828fc8f0, 0x76438a78, 0x0), at 0xfb0a924b
        [34] 0xfaf8ae20(0x829396b8, 0x829cef58, 0x82ca99e0, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82c69ea8, 0x0), at 0xfaf8ae1f
        [35] 0xfaf00f10(0x829396b8, 0x82ca0568, 0x82ca99e0, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82c69ea8, 0x82c9aab0), at 0xfaf00f0f
        [36] 0xfafc6794(0x76438a90, 0x82ca9418, 0x82c9aab0, 0x76438a20, 0x76438aa0, 0x829396b8), at 0xfafc6793
        [37] 0xfb0a45fc(0x829c28d8, 0x82ca9418, 0x82c9aab0, 0xffffffff, 0x829c28d8, 0x76438a78), at 0xfb0a45fb
        [38] 0xfaf8ae20(0x829396b8, 0x829c28d8, 0x82ca9418, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82c69ea8, 0x76438858), at 0xfaf8ae1f
        [39] 0xfaf00f10(0x829396b8, 0x82ca0568, 0x82ca9418, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82940258, 0x82c9aab0), at 0xfaf00f0f
        [40] 0xfafcd640(0x764385e0, 0x82ca0580, 0x82c9aab0, 0x3, 0x0, 0x82c9aab0), at 0xfafcd63f
        [41] 0xfb4283c8(0xe684c190, 0x82ca0580, 0xe6d99878, 0x764385c8, 0x764385c8, 0x764385c8), at 0xfb4283c7
        [42] 0xfac05da0(0x829cee78, 0x82ca0580, 0x82c9aab0, 0xfac15410, 0x764354c0, 0x7237f398), at 0xfac05d9f
        [43] 0xfaf8ae20(0x829396b8, 0x829cee78, 0x82ca0580, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82c69ea8, 0x0), at 0xfaf8ae1f
        [44] 0xfaf00f10(0x829396b8, 0x82ca0568, 0x82ca0580, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82c69ea8, 0x82c9aab0), at 0xfaf00f0f
        [45] 0xfafc6794(0x76437f00, 0x82ca0380, 0x82c9aab0, 0x76435aa0, 0x76437f10, 0x829396b8), at 0xfafc6793
        [46] 0xfb0ac0d4(0x82944450, 0x82ca0380, 0x82c9aab0, 0x764354c0, 0x82ca0380, 0x76435aa0), at 0xfb0ac0d3
        [47] 0xfaf8ae20(0x829396b8, 0x82944450, 0x82ca0380, 0x82c9aab0, 0x82c69ea8, 0x0), at 0xfaf8ae1f
        [48] 0xfaf00f10(0x829396b8, 0x82ca0568, 0x82ca0380, 0x82c9aab0, 0x764354c0, 0x82c9aab0), at 0xfaf00f0f
        [49] 0xfafcd640(0x76435750, 0x82c9aa50, 0x82c9aab0, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0x82c9aab0), at 0xfafcd63f
        [50] 0xfb063340(0x829396b8, 0x82c9aa50, 0x82c98000, 0x764354c0, 0x764354c0, 0x764355e0), at 0xfb06333f
        [51] 0xfaff55c0(0x828e9a18, 0x82c98000, 0x82c98000, 0x0, 0x82c98000, 0x2da), at 0xfaff55bf
        [52] 0xfaff1f40(0x82c98000, 0xb, 0x1, 0xfac15410, 0x9, 0x7237fa00), at 0xfaff1f3f
        [53] 0xfaf34074(0x829c27a8, 0x82c98000, 0x7ddb0330, 0xfac157a4, 0x82c69ea8, 0x828fe980), at 0xfaf34073
        [54] 0xfaf1dd7c(0x7ddb0330, 0x7ddb03a0, 0x82c6c0c0, 0x7237fc0c, 0x0, 0x82c98000), at 0xfaf1dd7b
        [55] 0xfac00438(0x7237fc50, 0x7237fe98, 0xa, 0xe69f1768, 0xfac0bc8c, 0x7237fde0), at 0xfac00437
        [56] JavaCalls::call_helper(0x7237fe90, 0x7237fd18, 0x7237fdd8, 0x841810, 0x841810, 0x7237fd2c), at 0xfecfd9a4
        [57] JavaCalls::call_virtual(0xfefe2000, 0x84be08, 0x7237fdcc, 0x7237fdc8, 0x7237fdd8, 0x841810), at 0xfed0f63c
        [58] JavaCalls::call_virtual(0x7237fe90, 0x7237fe8c, 0x7237fe80, 0x7237fe78, 0x7237fe70, 0x841810), at 0xfed0f49c
        [59] thread_entry(0x841810, 0x841810, 0x3bfb40, 0x84be08, 0x2d2ddc, 0xfed0f10c), at 0xfed0f424
        [60] JavaThread::run(0x841810, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfed0f134
        [61] _start(0x841810, 0x75da4e00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0), at 0xfecfc27c

      JVM options used:
      -Xms1800m -Xmx1800m -verbose:gc -XX:MaxPermSize=320m
      -XX:+PrintTLAB -Xbatch (using default client VM)

      The attached file hotspot_crash_1007.tar.gz contains the following information:
      - core file
      - dbx stack and threads
      - output of showrev and uname
      - exact/full hotspot error
      - JVM options/flags used
      (a 2nd attached file hotspot_crash_1006.tar.gz contains similar info from a
      similar crash)

      Currently, we are procuring additional info from as follows, just to see
      of the crash is happening due to JNI OR due to JIT compiled code:
      - to compile libcom_att_sas_utilities_XMLcrypto.so native library
      on Sol8 prod server, along with -g option as well, to avoid
      dbx demangle warnings
      - procure info from the following test runs on 2 different prod servers:
      1. -client, with -Xcheck:jni and -client and -XX:+PrintCompilation
      2. -server, with -XX:-UseTLAB, -XX:+PrintGCDetails

            kbr Kenneth Russell (Inactive)
            duke J. Duke
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
