Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
It is now possible to create documentation on a package that contains
a package.html file but has no source files. Take this source tree:
% javadoc pkg pkg.subpkg
The package-summary.html page looks like:
Package pkg
This is the package description. <--CLUTTER 1
See: <--CLUTTER 2
Description <--CLUTTER 3
Package pkg Description <--CLUTTER 4
This is the package description. This is the
second sentence.
Because there is no class summary on this page,
the lines marked CLUTTER should be omitted.
CLUTTER 1 is a copy of the first sentence.
CLUTTER 2 and CLUTTER 3 is a link to CLUTTER 4
In other words, inserting the "clutter" should
be conditional on whether there is one or more classes
in this package.
a package.html file but has no source files. Take this source tree:
% javadoc pkg pkg.subpkg
The package-summary.html page looks like:
Package pkg
This is the package description. <--CLUTTER 1
See: <--CLUTTER 2
Description <--CLUTTER 3
Package pkg Description <--CLUTTER 4
This is the package description. This is the
second sentence.
Because there is no class summary on this page,
the lines marked CLUTTER should be omitted.
CLUTTER 1 is a copy of the first sentence.
CLUTTER 2 and CLUTTER 3 is a link to CLUTTER 4
In other words, inserting the "clutter" should
be conditional on whether there is one or more classes
in this package.