Problem Description : During J2SDK installation public jre should be installed by default
Tested_Java_Release : PIT Build 08 for 1.4.2 (mantis)
Tested_Build : J2SDK.exe
Tested_Build_Location : /net/sqesvr/deployment3/mantis/JPI-PIT-08/build3
Test_Location : Install Tests
Tested_Machine_Name : lemonade 1 , jdsqe-lab1 , dnm-101
Testted O/S : Windows XP, Windows 2000, WIndows 98
Tested_ Browsers : IE / NS
Steps to Reproduce :
1.) Install the j2sdk.exe from the above mentioned location with the
default options.
2.) Public jre would not be installed as part of the default options
During J2SDK installation, It might be very helpful & less confusing
for the user if we set public j2re set to "install" in default options
and the user could change it if not needed.
As of now in the J2SDK installation option's by default
for public j2re is set to "Installed when required".
Disadvantages by not installing public jre by default
1.) Java Plugin & Java Webstart will not work.
2.) It would be confusing for all the JPI & JAWS users.
- relates to
JDK-4776936 Mantis PIT08: "installed when required" icon is misleading for public jre
- Closed