###@###.### 2003-01-09
The auto regression testcase for testcase 4482562 fails on Sol SPARC 2.8
It passes on SPARC 2.9 and IA 2.8.
Two different 2.8 SPARC machine produce failures.
The jtr file is attached.
The test src can be found at :
I tried running the test with 1.3.1_05 b02 and it also fails on SPARC 2.8.
Initially I was using DEC2002 patches. Upgraded to JAN2003. no difference noticed.
Use something like the following to start javatest :
/net/latte.ireland/export/home1/sqe-tools2.1.3fcs/solaris/bin/jtreg -jdk:/export/home/j2sdk1_3_1_07 -cpa:/net/latte/deployment1/regtests/jemmy.jar -verbose -automatic -gui -r:/export/home/JQA/ts131/reg131/131_07Rep1 -w:/export/home/JQA/ts131/reg131/131_07work /net/latte/deployment1/regtests/131/test/CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4482562
same failure now seen on ultra 60 dual processor running Solaris 2.9 for 1.4.2_02
###@###.### 2003-08-22
The auto regression testcase for testcase 4482562 fails on Sol SPARC 2.8
It passes on SPARC 2.9 and IA 2.8.
Two different 2.8 SPARC machine produce failures.
The jtr file is attached.
The test src can be found at :
I tried running the test with 1.3.1_05 b02 and it also fails on SPARC 2.8.
Initially I was using DEC2002 patches. Upgraded to JAN2003. no difference noticed.
Use something like the following to start javatest :
/net/latte.ireland/export/home1/sqe-tools2.1.3fcs/solaris/bin/jtreg -jdk:/export/home/j2sdk1_3_1_07 -cpa:/net/latte/deployment1/regtests/jemmy.jar -verbose -automatic -gui -r:/export/home/JQA/ts131/reg131/131_07Rep1 -w:/export/home/JQA/ts131/reg131/131_07work /net/latte/deployment1/regtests/131/test/CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4482562
same failure now seen on ultra 60 dual processor running Solaris 2.9 for 1.4.2_02
###@###.### 2003-08-22