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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4817260

Regression: CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4107667/Test4107667.java failed


    • rc
    • x86, sparc
    • solaris_8, solaris_9, windows_98

        Name: aaR10208 Date: 02/12/2003

        Filed By : J2SE-SQA [###@###.###
        JDK : JDK1.4.2-b16 (passed on b14)
        Testbase : Regression-cte
        Platform[s] : Windows 98
        switch/Mode : -client
        Falling test[s]: CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4107667/Test4107667.java

        Regression test CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4107667/Test4107667.java test fails on JDK1.4.2-b16.

        The test creates JFrame with a JTextFiled within and with a JPopupMenu assoticated with
        a right-click on the JTextField.
        The problem is that this JPopupMenu does not respond to Enter key (arrow keys are ok), so the test

        It seems that the problem is introduced by the following code:
        file: javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicPopupMenuUI.java
           555 private static class ReturnAction extends AbstractAction {
           556 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
           557 KeyboardFocusManager fmgr =
           558 KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager();
           559 Component focusOwner = fmgr.getFocusOwner();
        !> 560 if(focusOwner != null && !(focusOwner instanceof JRootPane)) {
        !> 561 return;
           562 }

        As result of the marked lines, when JPopupMenu is opened and is focused,
        the ReturnAction.actionPerformed() does nothing.

        Test source location:

        jtr file location:

        How to reproduce:
        Run the following script (you may need to change its variables)
        --- script start ---
        cp ${TEST_BASE_PATH}/CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4107667/Test4107667.java .
        cp ${TEST_BASE_PATH}/CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4107667/Bug4107667.java .
        ${JDK}/bin/javac -classpath ${JEMMY_PATH}/jemmy.jar *.java
        ${JDK}/bin/java -showversion -cp ${JEMMY_PATH}/jemmy.jar${PSEP}. Test4107667
        --- script end ---

        Test output:
        java version "1.4.2-beta"
        Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2-beta-b16)
        Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-beta-b16, mixed mode)
        Navigation by accelerator key 'b' works
        Clearing text in text component
        Navigation by arrow key doesn't work
        Test Failed
        Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Test Failed
                at Test4107667.main(Test4107667.java:109)

        Specific machine info:
        Hostname: linux-17
        OS: Windows 98


        Same failure still seen on 1.4.2_02. Sparc 2.9
        It's a regression from 1.4.1_x

        ###@###.### 2003-08-22

        Same failure still seen on 1.4.2_02. Windows 2003 SE
        It's a regression from 1.4.1_x

        ###@###.### 2003-08-28


        Same failure still seen on 1.4.2_02. SuSE 8.2
        It's a regression from 1.4.1_x

        ###@###.### 2003-08-28

              asaha Abhijit Saha
              sundrsunw Sundr Sundr (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
