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  1. JDK
  2. JDK-4820252

Balloon tip for the JPI system tray icon should be displayed as per UE specs.


    • b17
    • x86
    • windows_2000
    • Verified

        Problem Description : Balloon tip for the JPI system tray icon should be displayed as per UE specs.

        Tested_Java_Release : Java Install PIT Build 16 for 1.4.2 (mantis)
        Tested_Build : J2SDK.exe / J2RE
        Tested_Build_Location : /net/sqesvr/deployment3/mantis/JD-PIT-16/windows-i586
        Test_Location : sqesvr/deployment2/sridhare/phonehome/docs/PhoneHome_Test_Specs.html
        Eng Spec :http://hci.eng/desktop/java/phonehome/phonehome_spec.html
        Tested_Machine_Name : namrata
        Testted O/S : Windows XP, Windows 2000
        Tested_ Browsers : IE / NS
        Steps to Reproduce :

        1.) Install the test j2sdk1.4.2.exe from the above mentioned location
        2.) Open the JPI Control Panel and enable the "Show Java in System Tray" icon
        3.) Launch any Java applet
        4.) Look for the Java icon in the system tray
        5.) When the mouse is moved over the JPI icon in the system tray it pops up
            a ballon tip.
        6.) As per the UE spec for tool tip the following items should be present
            in the ballon tip,

        UE Specs : http://hci.eng/desktop/java/phonehome/phonehome_spec.html

           a.) there should be a "X" Close icon in the ballon tip
           b.) http://java.sun.com/getjava text should be there, but only
               http://java.sun.com is shown.

        NOTE : If this is an expected behavior then kindly update the UE specs.

              busersunw Btplusnull User (Inactive)
              smadishesunw Srinivas Madishetty (Inactive)
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